NSI is a professional services firm specializing in multidisciplinary data-driven analytics. Our niche is helping clients better and more reliably understand people and their behaviors on critical, complex decision-making problems. Our highly diverse and experienced team of researchers and analysts apply multidisciplinary social science techniques and various analytic methods to create deeper analyses and clarifying insights enabling our clients to make more informed and better decisions.
To create meaningful analyses one must move beyond asking “what happened” and instead ask “why it happened” and understand the conditions under which it might happen again.
Data is abundant. Plots and graphs are easy. Insights are very hard! But when they are created, they can be hugely powerful because they are actionable and create value for the client.
Diversity provokes thought. Decades of research have shown that, for solving complex problems, diversity – a fundamental tenet of NSI – creates far better results than does homogeneity.
Over the last decade, NSI has worked on hundreds of projects for government and commercial clients. Our clients have become increasingly aware of the importance of accounting for the human component in their analytical and decision-making processes. However, many of their existing practices do not sufficiently accommodate such considerations. Helping clients understand people and their behaviors is precisely what we do. Visit our Solutions page to learn more.
NSI provides military and intelligence agencies with mission-focused solutions to complex national security and operational imperatives that span the globe.
NSI provides large video game companies with business intelligence analytics, including forecasting future events and discourse analysis of social media.
NSI is providing the Special Operations Command with a variety of research and analyses focused on the regional conflicts, influences, and unrest in the Middle East.
NSI contributed to a review for US Security Coordinator for Israel and Palestinian Authority assessing risks and gaps to Palestinian security sector reform measures.
NSI is providing a video game publisher with analytics to measure customer sentiment, identify and prioritize various emerging issues, and to optimize service standards.
NSI is providing a Fortune 100 company with business intelligence analytic support to maximize revenue per customer, and improve brand usage and product design.
Our clients typically seek analytic solutions to critical and complex decision-making problems requiring a deeper understanding of human behavior as it manifests in the social and business world. We offer a differentiated experience to our clients that leverages our diverse, multidisciplinary expertise, formal training in multiple analytic methods, and significant industry and domain experience.
Apply proven techniques in business management and organizational psychology to identify and prevent “fear” barriers from paralyzing and stymieing your organization.
Provide critical insights into key business objectives enabling clients to get more out of their data, make smarter business decisions, and maximize their bottom line.
Provide explicit assessments and comparisons of complex trade-offs, options, and priorities across multiple decision criteria including cost, feasibility, impact, and risk.
Identify, measure, and assess interactions between people for adherence to, or violations of, dignity principles such as satisfaction, engagement, advocacy, and loyalty.
Distill and quantify leader speeches, population chatter, social media, and other digitized commentary into meaningful terms, themes, patterns, and sentiments.
Generalize and explain human behavior complexity in political, economic, societal, cultural, and social contexts using multidisciplinary social science analytic methods.
Systematically identify short and long term economic, social, and political drivers of instability and buffers to stability using a methodologically-grounded analytic model.
Provide rapid, customizable analyses on emergent crises by tapping into the best and brightest minds, foreign voices, varied perspectives, and unconventional thinkers.
NSI maintains an extensive Publications archive largely comprised of government-sponsored research and analysis products, various research efforts from our professional and technical staff, and a variety of corporate news items. The government-sponsored products are maintained on behalf of the US Department of Defense (DoD) Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) program and address challenging national security problems and operational imperatives.