Perspectives on Greatest Threat of ISIS Loner

June 2016 No Comments

Greatest Threat is ISIS Loner. In the June 13, 2016 The Journal Gazette Dr. Kuznar discusses his view of the ISIS threat. In the wake of the tragic mass shooting incident in Orlando, and the reported shooter’s pledge to ISIS immediately before the attack, it is a good time to take stock of how ISIS […]

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Lawfare – Using/Misusing Law to Achieve Objective

June 2016 No Comments

Lawfare. Speaker: Kittrie, O. (Defense of Democracies). Date: June 2016. Orde Kittrie is a Professor of Law at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is a leading expert on nonproliferation law and policy with a focus […]

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Regaining Strategic Initiative in the Gray Zone

June 2016 No Comments

Outplayed: Regaining Strategic Initiative in the Gray Zone. Speaker: Freier, N. Date: June 2016. INTO THE NEW GRAY ZONE U.S. competitors pursuing meaningful revision or rejection of the current U.S.-led status quo are employing a host of hybrid methods to advance and secure interests that are in many cases contrary to those of the United […]

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Counter-Da’esh Influence Operations

May 2016 No Comments

Counter-Da’esh Influence Operations: Cognitive Space Narrative Simulation Insights. Author | Editor: Linera, R. LTC, Seese, G. MAJ (USASOC) & Canna, S (NSI, Inc). At the request of Joint Staff/J-39, the SMA program, in coordination with United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), participated in a second Counter-Da’esh Messaging […]

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Operating in the Gray Zone: An Alternative Paradigm

April 2016 No Comments

Operating in the Gray Zone: An Alternative Paradigm for U.S. Military Strategy. Author | Editor: Echevarria II, A. (U.S. Army War College). Recent events in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, and the South China Sea continue to take interesting, if not surpris- ing, turns. As a result, many security experts are call- ing for revolutionary measures to […]

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Part IV: Results of 5 of 8 Conflicts in Iraqi-Syria

March 2016 No Comments

Part IV: Analysis of the Dynamics of Near East Futures: Assessing Actor Interests, Resolve and Capability in 5 of the 8 Regional Conflicts. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). This briefing is the final part of a four-part study exploring the dynamics of the central Middle East conflict system. Part II describes the system […]

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Part III: Use Case Analysis of Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

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Unpacking the Regional Conflict System surrounding Iraq and Syria—Part III: Implications for the Regional Future: Syria Example of Actor Interests, Resolve and Capabilities Analysis. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). This is Part III of a larger study exploring the dynamics of the central Middle East conflict system. Part I described the system and […]

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Part II: Assessing Dynamics of the Iraqi-Syrian Conflict

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Unpacking the Regional Conflict System surrounding Iraq and Syria—Part II: Method for Assessing the Dynamics of the Conflict System, or, There are no sides—only interests. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). This is Part II of a larger study exploring the dynamics of the central Middle East conflict system. Part I described the system […]

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Part I: Characterizing the Iraqi-Syrian Conflict System

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Unpacking the Regional Conflict System surrounding Iraq and Syria—Part I: Characterizing the System. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). This is Part I of a larger study exploring the dynamics of the central Middle East conflict system. It describes the system and why it is critical to assess U.S. security interests and activities in […]

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Foreign Approaches to Gray Zone Conflicts

March 2016 No Comments

Foreign Approaches to Gray Zone Conflicts. Author | Editor: National Intelligence Council. The purposeful application of multiple elements of power—information, economic, military, political—to achieve objectives in ways that exceed the threshold for normal competition yet fall below the level of major interstate war. “Gray Zone cannot mean everything if it is to mean anything.” “Gray […]

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