Conflict and Convergence in Eurasia (ExecSum)

March 2016 No Comments

Drivers of Conflict and Convergence in Eurasia in the Next 5-25 Years — Integration Report: Executive Summary. Author | Editor: Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc). This project identified threats and opportunities in Eurasia (with particular emphasis on USEUCOM area of responsibility (AOR) countries). This report provides an overview of the regional issues identified by the US, […]

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Conflict and Convergence in Eurasia (Integration)

March 2016 No Comments

Drivers of Conflict and Convergence in Eurasia in the Next 5-25 Years — Integration Report. Author | Editor: Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc). Evaluating strategic risk in the Eurasia region over the next two to three decades is a complex challenge that is vital for USEUCOM planning and mission success. The depth of our understanding of […]

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Bio-Psycho-Social of Violence and Terrorism

March 2016 No Comments

Assessing and Anticipating Threats to US Security Interests: A Bio-Psycho-Social Science Approach for Understanding the Emergence of and Mitigating Violence and Terrorism. Author | Editor: Giordano, J. (Georgetown University Medical Center). This white paper represents the work of intra- and extramural subject matter experts (SMEs) from multiple disciplines, convened to provide views and insights to […]

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ViTTa Analysis of Eurasia in the Next 5-25 Years

February 2016 No Comments

Research to Identify Drivers of Conflict and Convergence in Eurasia in the Next 5-25 Years: Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa) Summary Report. Author | Editor: Canna, S., Bragg, B., Desjardins, A., Popp, G. & Yager, M. (NSI, Inc). From July through November 2015, NSI employed its Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa) methodology to systematically interview 26 subject […]

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Thematic Analysis of Russian and NATO Speeches

February 2016 No Comments

Identification of Security Issues and their Importance to Russia, Its Near-abroad and NATO Allies: A Thematic Analysis of Leadership Speeches. Author | Editor: Kuznar, L. & Yager, M. (NSI, Inc). This study addresses key questions posed in the SMA EUCOM project by using thematic analysis of speeches from leaders of state and non-state polities in […]

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Special Operations Forces Operating Concept

February 2016 No Comments

Special Operations Forces Operating Concept – A Whitepaper to Guide Future Special Operations Force Development 1.0. Author | Editor: U.S. Special Operations Command. Agility and flexibility are the foundational strengths that allow Special Operations Forces (SOF) to rapidly seize opportunities and adapt to unforeseen requirements and operational challenges. Facing a complex and uncertain future, the […]

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Eurasia Strategic Risk and Future Trends

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Eurasia Strategic Risk. Author | Editor: Elder, R. & Levis, A. (GMU). The GMU Eurasia Strategic Risk project examined future political, security, societal and economic trends as they apply to the decision calculus of key Eurasian regional actors. Timed Influence Net (TIN) models were used to identify potential sources of strategic risk for the United […]

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Maneuver and Engagement in the Narrative Space

January 2016 No Comments

Maneuver and Engagement in the Narrative Space. Author | Editor: Munch, R. (TRADOC G-27 TBOC). The paper leverages and melds the latest thinking of academic and operational subject matter experts in fields of organizational and social dynamics, network analysis, psychology, information operations and narrative development, social media analysis, and doctrine development related to aspects of […]

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Geopolitical Visions in Russian Media

January 2016 No Comments

Geopolitical Visions in Russian Media. Author | Editor: Hinck, R. et al. Hinck, R. (Texas A&M University). This study sought to examine future political, security, societal and economic trends to identify where U.S. interests are in cooperation or conflict with Russian interests, and in particular, identify leverage points when dealing with Russia in a global […]

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Organizational Fear Means Failure to Tom Rieger

December 2015 No Comments

Interview With Tom Rieger on Overcoming Fear. By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant. After studying dozens of defunct companies both large and small, Tom Rieger found that fear contributed significantly to each company’s demise. Now president of NSI, Inc, he wrote Breaking the Fear Barrier: How Fear Destroys Companies From the Inside Out and What to Do […]

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