Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace

October 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Blattman, C. (Ramalee E. Pearson Professor of Global Conflict Studies, Pearson Institute and Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago) Date: 18 October 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Christopher Blattman (Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago) as part of its SMA AFOE Speaker Session. Wars throughout history have skewed […]

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Transcultural Predictors of Will to Fight

October 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Atran, S. (Co-founder, Artis International; Emeritus Director of Research, France’s National Centre for Scientific Research) Date: 12 October 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Scott Atran (Co-founder, Artis International; Emeritus Director of Research, France’s National Centre for Scientific Research) as part of its SMA General Speaker Session. Combatants’ willingness to fight and […]

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Why Are We Integrating Now—and How Can We Integrate Better?

October 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology) Date: 11 October 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Nicholas Wright (Intelligent Biology) as part of its SMA AFOE Speaker Session. Integration between military and civilian leaders has been a significant part of strategic competition and military revolutions throughout history. For example, the US Joint Staff was created in […]

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A World Emerging from Pandemic: Implications for Intelligence and National Security (Part 1 of 2)

October 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Gradon, K. (Associate Professor, Department of Cybersecurity, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)); Hashemi, L. (Researcher & Data Analyst, Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC), George Mason University); Meo, S. (PhD Candidate, Public Policy, Schar School of Policy of Government, George Mason University); Vlahos, M. (Senior Fellow, The […]

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A World Emerging from Pandemic: Implications for Intelligence and National Security (Part 2 of 2)

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Kerbel, J. (Professor of Practice, National Intelligence University); Schenker, J. (Chairman, The Futurist Institute; President, Prestige Economics); Brown, Z. (Founder, Consilient Strategies) Date: 6 October 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Mr. Josh Kerbel (Professor of Practice, National Intelligence University) and Mr. Jason Schenker (Chairman, The Futurist Institute; President, Prestige Economics) as part […]

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Ukrainian Resilience in the Context of Conflict Dynamics and International Public Opinion

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Polyak, M. (President, Ipsos, North America Analytics); Kagan, F. (Senior Fellow & Director of the Critical Threats Project, American Enterprise Institute) Date: 28 September 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Mr. Mark Polyak (President, Ipsos, North America Analytics), Dr. Frederick W. Kagan (Senior Fellow & Director of the Critical Threats Project, American Enterprise Institute), and […]

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Climate Change and Food Security in Africa: From the Continent to the Local

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Galvin, K. (University Distinguished Professor, Department of Anthropology and Geography & Director, The Africa Center, Colorado State University) Date: 23 September 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Prof. Kathleen Galvin (University Distinguished Professor of Anthropology & Director of the Africa Center, Colorado State University) as part of its SMA “Anticipating the Future Operational […]

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Implications of a Coercive Quarantine of Taiwan by the People’s Republic of China

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Martin, B. (Senior Policy Researcher & Director of the Institute for Supply Chain Security, RAND); Gunness, K. (Senior Policy Researcher, RAND) Date: 21 September 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Brad Martin (Senior Policy Researcher & Director of the Institute for Supply Chain Security, RAND) and Ms. Kristen Gunness (Senior Policy […]

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Capitalizing on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to Advance Mutual US-Africa Prosperity

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Signé, L. (Associate International/Defense Researcher, RAND)  Date: 14 September 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Prof. Landry Signé (Executive Director & Professor, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University; Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution) as part of its SMA “Anticipating the Future Operational Environment” (AFOE) Speaker Series. Despite being considered economically hopeless during the mid-2000s, […]

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National Will to Fight Amid 2020s/30s Technologies

September 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): McNerney, M. (Senior Researcher, RAND); Sharpe, A. (Director, Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research); Demus , A. (Associate International/Defense Researcher, RAND)  Date: 13 September 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Mr. Mike McNerney (Senior Researcher, RAND), Maj Gen (Rtd) Andrew Sharpe (Director, Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research [CHACR]), and Ms. Alyssa […]

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