The Gallup World Poll: A Listening Machine for the World

March 2019 No Comments

“The Gallup World Poll: A Listening Machine for the World“ Speaker: Hansen, J. (Gallup) Date: 13 March 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Mr. Jerry Hansen (Gallup) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. During his presentation, Mr. Hansen discussed Gallup’s ongoing work and highlighted its World Poll initiative. He first […]

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Haunted by Chaos: China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping

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“Haunted by Chaos: China’s Grand Strategy from Mao Zedong to Xi Jinping“ Speaker: Khan, S. (Tufts University) Date: 12 March 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Sulmaan Khan (Tufts University) as a part of its Future of Great Power Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. To begin, Dr. Khan revealed the inspiration for his […]

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Grand Strategy Alternatives

March 2019 No Comments

Grand Strategy Alternatives Authors | Editors: P. Layton & S. Canna (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary The SMA Future of Great Power Competition & Conflict project is researching how the United States might strategize to defend its global interests. This paper supports the project in deriving some grand strategy alternatives specifically related to China (twelve) and […]

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SMA Quick Concepts Series: Competition

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Quick Concept: Competition Authors | Editors: LTC D. Doran & J. Stevenson (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary The conceptual keystone within competition is relative advantage. Due to the fluid, persistent, and continual nature of competition, relative advantage refers to the position between two competitors, (1) either at a given point in time, or (2) in a […]

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Clash of Strategic Cultures

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Clash of Strategic Cultures Authors | Editors: R. Spalding & S. Canna (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary This paper seeks to describe the cultural and cognitive dissimilarities in how the United States and China pursue strategic competition. The first difference detailed involves how the two societies look at goals and time, as well as how those […]

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Understanding the Information Environment to Win the Next Conflict Without Firing a Shot

March 2019 No Comments

Author(s): Klipstein, M. (Army Cyber Institute, West Point); Minter, A. (Army Cyber Institute, West Point); Pittman, J. (Amy Cyber Institute, West Point) Report Preview In our increasingly digital society, military operations and civilian-alike rely heavily on the technological tools that connect us. Social media has become a powerful influence tool to sow discord, sway sentiment, […]

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Iran’s Relationship to Yemeni Zayidis

March 2019 No Comments

Iran’s Relationship to Yemeni Zayidis Authors | Editors: Vern Liebl (Marine Corps Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning). Executive Summary Question 10: Do views of the Velayat-i-Faqih (in Yemen) present challenges to Iranian influences among holders of Zayid views? Question 11: Do divergent religious views/practices present challenges among the Iranian populace in relation to presentation […]

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“America’s Foreign Policy: Dealing with Multiple Adversaries amidst Changing Great Power Dynamics”

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“America’s Foreign Policy: Dealing with Multiple Adversaries amidst Changing Great Power Dynamics” Speaker: Katz, M. (George Mason University) Date: 6 March 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Mark Katz (George Mason University) as a part of its Future of Great Power Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. Dr. Katz focused his presentation on the […]

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“AI, China, Russia, and the Global Order: Chinese and Russian Domestic AI, Relative Power, and Military Dimensions” Panel Discussion

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“AI, China, Russia, and the Global Order: Chinese and Russian Domestic AI, Relative Power, and Military Dimensions” Panel Discussion Speakers: Kania, E. (Center for a New American Security (CNAS)); Hoffman, S. (Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)); Kerr, J. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)); Lewis, J. (Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)); Libicki, M. […]

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Exploring Space Deterrence: A Game Theoretic Model to Inform Future Strategies

March 2019 No Comments

“Exploring Space Deterrence: A Game Theoretic Model to Inform Future Strategies” Speaker: Langeland, K. (RAND) Date: 5 March 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Krista Langeland (RAND) as a part of its SMA STRATCOM Academic Alliance Speaker Series. To begin, Dr. Langeland discussed her team’s game theoretic model of space security […]

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