Deterrence in Cyberspace

March 2019 No Comments

“Deterrence in Cyberspace” Speaker: Bueno de Mesquita, E. (University of Chicago) Date: 1 March 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Ethan Bueno de Mesquita (University of Chicago) as a part of its SMA STRATCOM Speaker Series. Dr. Bueno de Mesquita began by stating that although the US and its allies have tremendous cyber capacity, practitioners […]

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Driven to Death: An Analysis of 30 Years of Vehicle Ramming

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“Driven to Death: An Analysis of 30 Years of Vehicle Ramming” Speaker: Veilleux-Lepage (Georgia State University) Date: 28 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Yannick Veilleux-Lepage (Georgia State University) as a part of its SMA DHS Speaker Series. Dr. Veilleux-Lepage began by stating that using vehicle ramming attacks (VRAs) is not […]

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Harnessing David and Goliath: A Compound Approach to the Great Game

February 2019 No Comments

“Harnessing David and Goliath: A Compound Approach to the Great Game” Speakers: Erfourth, M. (USSOCOM J51); Oliver, R. (USSOCOM J51) Date: 20 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by COL Montgomery Erfourth (USSOCOM J51) and Mr. Ryan Oliver (USSOCOM J51) as a part of its Future of Great Power Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. COL […]

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“AI, China, Russia and the Global Order: What is Happening in China and Russia, and What Impacts Does This Have Abroad?” Panel Discussion

February 2019 No Comments

“AI, China, Russia and the Global Order: What is Happening in China and Russia, and What Impacts Does This Have Abroad?” Panel Discussion Speakers: Ahmed, S. (University of California, Berkeley); Bendett, S. (CNA); Creemers, R. (Leiden University); Esplin Odell, R. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology); Morgus, R. (New America); Weber, V. (Oxford University) Date: 12 February 2019 Speaker Session […]

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Internal Dynamics in Russia

February 2019 No Comments

“Internal Dynamics in Russia” Speaker: Zaborowski, M. (CCJ-5 / Combined Strategic Analysis Group (CSAG)) Date: 13 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by LTCOL Maciej Zaborowski (CCJ-5 / Combined Strategic Analysis Group (CSAG)) as a part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series. During his presentation, LTCOL Zaborowski focused on Russia’s history and […]

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“Stability, Reconciliation & Reintegration: Research Findings” Panel Discussion

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“Stability, Reconciliation & Reintegration: Research Findings” Panel Discussion Speakers: Cooley, S. (Oklahoma State University); Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.); Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.); Stevenson, J. (NSI, Inc.); Petrov, P. (BBN Technologies, Raytheon); Johnston, K. (US Department of State, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations); Ahmadzai, S. (University of Nebraska at Omaha) Date: 15 February 2019 Speaker […]

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“Negotiated Settlement in Afghanistan: Elements of a Grand Bargain” Panel Discussion

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“Negotiated Settlement in Afghanistan: Elements of a Grand Bargain” Panel Discussion Speakers: Krakar, J. (US Training and Doctrine Command G27 Models and Simulations Branch); Kaltenthaler, K. (University of Akron and Case Western Reserve University); Liebl, V. (US Marine Corps University, Center for Advanced Operational and Culture Learning); Logan, M. (University of Nebraska at Omaha); Whiteside, […]

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Operating at Speed in Technology Influenced Environments

February 2019 No Comments

“Operating at Speed in Technology Influenced Environments” Speaker: Snow, J. (USSOCOM Donovan Group) Date: 7 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Lt Col Jennifer “JJ” Snow (USSOCOM Donovan Group) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. Lt Col Snow began by stating that technology is advancing at an “exponential […]

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Political and Security Integration of VCAs: Lessons for the Taliban

February 2019 No Comments

“Political and Security Integration of VCAs: Lessons for the Taliban” Speaker: Koren, O. (Indiana University, Bloomington) Date: 6 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Ore Koren (Indiana University, Bloomington) as a part of its SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series. During his presentation, Dr. Koren focused on a “Victorious, Complementary, Agent” (VCA) approach to […]

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The Rewards and Risks of Multi-Domain Strategic Competition: A Workshop Summary

February 2019 No Comments

“The Rewards and Risks of Multi-Domain Strategic Competition: A Workshop Summary” Speaker: Roberts, B. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Date: 5 February 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Brad Roberts (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) as a part of its Future of Great Power Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. During his presentation, Dr. Roberts focused on […]

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