Using Messaging and Communication to Influence and Inform: Insights from the Private Sector – An Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) Virtual Think Tank Report

February 2021 No Comments

Authors | Editors: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Kuznar, E. (NSI, Inc.); Stokes, S. (NSI, Inc.); Jafri, A. (NSI, Inc.) Subject Matter Expert Contributors Paul Astorino (Senior Vice President, Global Merchandizing, Clarks), Catherine Chapman (Founder and CEO, Parenthetic), Cyndi Coon (CEO and Founder, Labratory5 Inc.), John DeBello (President and Chief Creative Officer, Loma Media), Bill Heater (Creative Executive, Real Life […]

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Beyond Decoupling: Biological Tech, Innovation, and Global Rivalry

February 2021 No Comments

Speakers: DiEuliis, D. (National Defense University); Giordano, J. (Georgetown University, US Naval War College); Wright, N. (Georgetown University, University College London, and New America) Date: 2 March 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Dr. Nicholas Wright (Georgetown University, University College London, and New America), Dr. James Giordano (Georgetown University and US Naval War […]

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The Role of Political Islam in COVID Times and Regional Developments

February 2021 No Comments

Speakers: Alrasheed, R. (Richardson Institute, Lancaster University); Ardovini, L. (Middle East and North Africa Programme, Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)); Mabon, S. (Sectarianism, Proxies & De-sectarianisation (SEPAD));Zaccara, L. (Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University) Date: 23 February 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Prof. Simon Mabon (Sectarianism, Proxies & De-sectarianisation (SEPAD)), […]

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Innovating for National Security

February 2021 No Comments

Speakers: Brown, M. (Director, Defense Innovation Unit & Former CEO of Symantec Corporation) Date: 24 February 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Mr. Michael Brown (Defense Innovation Unit (DIU)), as a part of its SMA NDU/PRISM Innovation Series.  Mr. Brown began his presentation by stating that technology has been a leading driver […]

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Masspersonal Social Engineering: Manipulative Communication at the Intersections of Cyber and Information Operations

February 2021 No Comments

Speakers: Gehl, R. (Louisiana Tech University); Lawson, S. (University of Utah & Marine Corps University) Date: 18 February 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Dr. Sean Lawson (University of Utah & Marine Corps University) and Dr. Robert Gehl (Louisiana Tech University), as a part of its SMA IIJO Speaker Series. Dr. […]

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Geoeconomics and Great Power Competition

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Speaker: Petraeus, D. (Partner and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute & Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; Commander of the International Security Assistance Force; Commander, US Forces – Afghanistan; Commander, US Central Command; and Commanding General, Multi-National Force – Iraq) Date: 17 February 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Gen (Ret.) David […]

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Toward an Inclusive & Balanced Regional Order: A New US Strategy in East Asia

February 2021 No Comments

Speaker: Swaine, M. (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft); Odell, R. (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft); Lee, J. (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft) Date: 10 February 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Dr. Michael Swaine (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft), Dr. Rachel Esplin Odell (Quincy Institute), and Ms. Jessica Lee (Quincy Institute) […]

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Regime Stability in Iran: The COVID-19 Effect

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Author | Editor: Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.) Questions of Focus [Q4] What, if any, effect will COVID-19 have on regime stability in Iran, both over the short and medium term? Report Preview Iran appears to have been hit hard by the COVID-19 virus, and there has been criticism both within and outside the country over the Iranian […]

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Russian and Chinese Influence in Iran: Sources and Future Trends

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Author | Editor: Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.) Questions of Focus [Q3] What is the source of Russian and Chinese influence in Iran, and how have recent events (incl. COVID-19) changed this? Report Preview Among all the experts interviewed for this report, there was a general consensus that relations between Iran and both Russia and China are driven […]

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IRGC’s Role in the Black Economy

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Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.) Questions of Focus [Q1] What is the extent of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) involvement in black (criminal) economic activity in Iran and internationally? How significant is the drug abuse problem in Iran currently? What is the population’s knowledge of IRGC involvement in trafficking drugs, including through Iran? How much […]

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