AI and the Bomb

October 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. James Johnson (University of Aberdeen) Date: 25 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how combat and conflict are evolving and how actors conceptualize and manage their technological assets. This reconceptualization extends to how actors conduct deterrence. Dr. Johnson described deterrence as requiring an understanding of the other side’s “…interests, […]

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Deterring the Risks of Simultaneous Conflicts and Limited Nuclear Attacks in East Asia

October 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Mr. Markus Garlauskas (Indo-Pacific Security Initiative of the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council) Date: 26 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary Fears of a potential conflict between China and either the US or its allies in the Indo-Pacific—especially over Taiwan—are intensifying. A potential conflict with China is worrying Indo-Pacific experts about the […]

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Success in Your Near Future With Military Human-Machine Teams

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Panelists: Professor Mary (Missy) Cummings (George Mason University), Dr. Matthew Johnson (Florida Institute for Human & Machine Cognition), and Ms. Lauren Kahn (Georgetown University) Moderator: Dr. Nicholas Wright (Georgetown University) Date: 31 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary Artificial intelligence (AI) has many implications for how warfighters operate on the battlefield, their leaders make decisions, and […]

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Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World

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Speaker: Ms. Bethany Allen (Axios) Date: 18 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary During the last 25 years, China has strengthened its ability to economically coerce governments, companies, multilateral institutions, and individuals, bringing them in line with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) desires. She summarized China’s statecraft as a “clearly communicated set of rewards and punishments […]

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The Future of Nuclear Weapons, Statecraft, and Deterrence After Ukraine

October 2023 No Comments

Speakers: Thomas Shattuck (Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania) Date: 17 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary The narrative surrounding nuclear deterrence and statecraft has changed since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; particularly Vladimir Putin’s threat of a nuclear strike against Ukraine. Putin’s overt threat of a nuclear strike has caused experts to ask […]

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Putin and Putnam: The Unethical Rationality of Vladimir Putin Viewed Through a Game Theory Perspective

October 2023 No Comments

Speaker: LTC Nathan Colvin (US Army) Date: 11 October 2023 Speaker Series Summary In current discourse, Putin has been described as an irrational actor, choosing to commit armed aggression toward non-NATO countries even when the negative side effects of his actions seem to outweigh the benefits. To explore these assumptions, LTC Nathan Colvin developed a […]

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Why Trust Matters in AI? How Can We Achieve It?

September 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. David Bray (Stimson Center) Date: 5 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary The capabilities and implications of artificial intelligence are frequently discussed throughout all sectors of society. Among the many questions asked is, how can human users trust AI? Dr. Bray emphasized that the first step in understanding whether humans can trust AI, is […]

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Influence and Perception Management Office

September 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Mr. James Holly (OUSD (I&S)) Date: 3 October 2023 Speaker Session Summary The Influence and Perception Management Office (IPMO) is a young office within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (OUSD I&S). However, the need for an organization managing the US Armed Forces’ messaging has been debated for […]

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A Convincing Finnish Move: Implications for State Identity of Persuading Sweden to Jointly Bid for NATO Membership

September 2023 No Comments

Author: Stefan Lundqvist (Swedish Defence University) Publication Preview This article examines the consequences for Sweden’s state identity by the decision of Finland andSweden to apply for membership in NATO. Taking its starting point in Sweden’s shattering loss of itseasternmost provinces in the 1809 Treaty of Fredrikshamn, it explores Sweden’s initial formulations of apolicy of neutrality […]

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Russian Strategic Deterrence Frameworks

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Author: Dr. Graeme Herd (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies) Publication Preview This paper is structured around four key sections, each answering a core question. First,what is the relationship between Russia’s core strategic goals and the foundations of Russian strategic deterrence? Second, how has Russian strategic nuclear thought evolved from the Stalinist era […]

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