Israeli-Palestinian Security Conundrum Assessment

June 2015 No Comments

A Geopolitical and Cognitive Assessment of the Israeli-Palestinian Security Conundrum. Author | Editor: Wilkenfeld, J. (). At the request of the U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority (USSC) the J-39 Strategic-Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Branch undertook a Coordinator’s Mission Review in July 2014 and concluded it in February 2015. This SMA project resulted […]

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Impact of NRC Strategic Deterrence Study

May 2015 No Comments

The most recent news on the impact of the National Academy of Sciences’ Deterrence study co-chaired by Dr. Allison Astorino-Courtois. The excerpt below is from the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Report on this year’s National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2016. The HASC has used the National Academy of Sciences’ Deterrence study report […]

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Science of Decision Making Across Human Activity

May 2015 No Comments

The Science of Decision Making Across the Span of Human Activity. Author | Editor: Wright, N. (University of Birmingham & Carnegie Endowment for International Peace) & Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc). The US is affected by the decisions of highly diverse actors, ranging from individuals, to groups (e.g. Violent Extremist Organizations; VEOs) to large and sophisticated […]

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Dignity is the Key Metric for Customer Service

April 2015 No Comments

Why Dignity is the Key to Customer Service. By Tom Rieger. Taking another look at what it means to treat customers with dignity and how it benefits your business. For the last several decades customer service has cycled through an evolution of different metrics, all focused on measuring if the customer is happy. It started […]

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Megacities: Socio-cultural Analysis Dhaka, Bangladesh

April 2015 No Comments

SMA Megacities: Deep Dive Application of two socio-cultural frameworks to a flood event in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Author | Editor: Bragg, B,, Brickman, D., Canna, S. & Desjardins, A. (NSI, Inc). The Strategic-Multilayer Assessment (SMA) Megacity Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Intelligence (M- RSI) project seeks to aid United States Pacific Command (USPACOM) in understanding socio-cultural dynamics within […]

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Holistic Engagement Activities Ranking Tool (HEART)

March 2015 No Comments

Holistic Engagement Activities Ranking Tool (HEART) — A Multi-criteria decision tool to assist in planning and tracking steady state security assistance and engagement activities. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc). More than ever, United States Government (USG) activities are planned and implemented in an atmosphere of shrinking budgets, high expectations and intense scrutiny at […]

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Stability Modeling (StaM) Analysis of Nigeria

March 2015 No Comments

Stability Model Users’ Guide: Incorporating StaM Analysis of Nigeria for Illustration. Author | Editor: Bragg, B., Brickman, D., Desjardins, A., Popp, G. & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc). Over the past decade the United States Government has recognized the importance of obtaining a rich contextual understanding of the operating environment, specifically focusing on the human […]

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Barriers to Civil Order in Palestinian Security Sector

February 2015 No Comments

The Palestinian Security Sector in the West Bank: Current Functions, Actvities, and Internal Barriers to the Provision of Civil Order. Author | Editor: Desjardins, A., Polansky (Pagano), S., Popp, R. & Rieger, T. (NSI, Inc). The origins of the Palestinian security sector can be traced to the 1993 Oslo I Accord, which established divisive security […]

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Israeli-Palestinian West Bank Cross Border Issues

January 2015 No Comments

The Dynamics of Israeli and Palestinian Security Requirements in the West Bank—Cross-border activities, sovereignty and governing legitimacy. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A., Bragg, B. & Key, K. (NSI, Inc). This report presents insights from an analysis of a conceptual map, or qualitative loop diagram that relates Israeli and PA sovereignty and legitimacy in the West […]

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The Applied Critical Thinking Handbook 7.0

January 2015 No Comments

The Applied Critical Thinking Handbook 7.0. Author | Editor: TRADCOC G2. The premise of the program at the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies (UFMCS) is that people and organizations court failure in predictable ways, that they do so by degrees, almost imperceptibly, and that they do so according to their mindsets, biases, and […]

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