A Flexible Framework to Achieve Strategic Objectives in US-China Policy

March 2020 No Comments

Author(s): Jiang, M. (Creighton University) Publication Preview The United States must adopt a new overarching strategy to guide US-China relations moving forward. Neither the traditional approach of engagement intended to promote democratic ideals, nor more recent confrontational practices, have worked. There is an urgent need for a new strategic framework that embraces Chinese political and […]

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A Stable Nuclear Future? The Impact of Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence

March 2020 No Comments

Speaker: Horowitz, M. (University of Pennsylvania) Date: 18 March 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Michael Horowitz (University of Pennsylvania) as a part of its SMA STRATCOM Academic Alliance Speaker Series. Dr. Horowitz began by explaining how nuclear technologies are shaping global politics. He used the global telegraph program, the Cuban missile crisis, the Campaign […]

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The Coronavirus Pandemic

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Speakers: Bar-Yam, Y. (New England Complex Systems Institute [NECSI]) Date: 19 March 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Yaneer Bar-Yam (New England Complex Systems Institute [NECSI]) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. Dr. Bar-Yam first stated that decisions matter. Rapid response planning and determining how to execute a plan quickly is best understood from a military […]

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Assessment of Strategic Implications of Population Dynamics in the Central Region—Integration Report: Black Swan Scenarios

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Authors | Editors: Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Report Preview At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), SMA initiated a study to understand the strategic implications of destabilizing population dynamics within the Central Region. The effort examined drivers of instability in the region emerging from radicalization, great power competition, state-level […]

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Assessment of Strategic Implications of Population Dynamics in the Central Region—Integration Report: State-Level Instability in the Gulf and Levant

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Authors | Editors: Jafri, A. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Report Preview At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), SMA initiated a study to understand the strategic implications of destabilizing population dynamics within the Central Region. The effort examined drivers of instability in the region emerging from radicalization, great power competition, state-level […]

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Assessment of Strategic Implications of Population Dynamics in the Central Region—Integration Report: Radicalization

March 2020 No Comments

Authors | Editors: Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Report Preview At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), SMA initiated a study to understand the strategic implications of destabilizing population dynamics within the Central Region. The effort examined drivers of instability in the region emerging from radicalization, great power competition, state-level […]

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Assessment of Strategic Implications of Population Dynamics in the Central Region—Integration Report: Great Power Competition

March 2020 No Comments

Authors | Editors: Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Report Preview At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), SMA initiated a study to understand the strategic implications of destabilizing population dynamics within the Central Region. The effort examined drivers of instability in the region emerging from radicalization, great power competition, state-level instability, […]

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Oman Succession Crisis 2020

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Author | Editor: Liebl, V. (Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning [CAOCL]); Yager, M. (NSI, Inc.) Invited Perspective Preview Note: This assessment was written before the death of Sultan Qaboos on 20 January 2020. While the death of Sultan Qaboos is inevitable, the succession will likely fall well within the purview of the Basic Law and […]

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SMA CENTCOM Panel Discussion on Radicalization (Part II)

March 2020 No Comments

Speakers: Dorondo, D. (Western Carolina University); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Rieger, T. (NSI, Inc.); Suedfeld, P. (University of British Columbia) Date: 17 March 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series. The panelists included Dr. David Dorondo (Western Carolina University), Mr. George Popp (NSI, Inc.), Dr. Peter Suedfeld (University of British Columbia), and Mr. Thomas Rieger […]

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Summary of Previous Radicalization Work

March 2020 No Comments

Author | Editor: Jafri, A. (NSI, Inc.) Download Publication Please contact Sarah Canna (scanna@nsiteam.com) if you are interested in requesting access to this report.

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