Integrating Deterrence Across the Gray—Making It More Than Words

January 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Crombe, K. (US Army Strategist & Director, US Special Operations Command Central J5 Strategy, Plans, and Policy Division); Ferenzi, S. (US Army Strategist & Special Forces Officer, US Special Operations Command Central J5); Jones, R. (Principal Strategist, Donovan Integration Group, US Special Operations Command) Date: 20 January 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a […]

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You Are What You Risk: What Different Global Risk Choices Mean for US National Security

January 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Wucker, M. (Founder and CEO, Gray Rhino & Company) Date: 19 January 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Ms. Michele Wucker (Founder and CEO, Gray Rhino & Company) as part of its SMA General Speaker Series.  Gray rhinos—or threats that actors see coming and openly discuss—are having a strong impact on […]

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SMA SEEK Results: Expanding US Nuclear Capability & Pessimism About Nuclear Use in the Next 15 Years

January 2022 No Comments

Author: Popp, G. (NSI); Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI); Bragg, B. (NSI) Publication Preview In August 2021, many of you participated in SMA’s inaugural Survey for Eliciting Expert Knowledge (SEEK) outreach. SEEK is SMA’s new, online capability for tapping into the collective knowledge, experience, and wisdom of our 5000+ person community of interest to generate crowdsourced insights […]

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The Operational Environment (2021-2030): Great Power Competition, Crisis, and Conflict

January 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Leverich, Gerald (Director, OE Integration, TRADOC G2) Date: 11 January 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Mr. Gerald Leverich Jr. (Director, OE Integration, TRADOC G2) as part of its SMA General Speaker Series.  For the first time in twenty years, the US armed forces are shifting from mostly carrying out counter-insurgency […]

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The Real and Present Risk of Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons on the Battlefield

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Speaker(s): Lowther, A. (Director, Department of Multi-Domain Operations, Army Management Staff College) Date: 12 January 2022 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a panel discussion with Dr. Adam Lowther (Director, Department of Multi-Domain Operations, Army Management Staff College) as part of its SMA STRATCOM Speaker Series.  Russia’s and China’s status as near-peer nuclear competitors with the US […]

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