NSI is providing a premier digital entertainment software developer and publisher company with regular forecasts of the maximum concurrent online customers using their products at a given time so that optimal server capacity is resourced to meet customer demand.


Forecasting Peak Online Usage

A global software and entertainment company had a need to better forecast peak online usage of their product, to avoid lost revenue due to insufficient capacity, or excess cost due to overestimating demand.

Using various business analytics tools including a combination of behavioral science research, advanced statistics, multivariate regression, and social media discourse analysis methods, a series of predictive models were developed that provided a new level of rigor and science for capacity planning and projections.

Through residual analysis and ongoing consulting with key client personnel, the model predicted usage on a daily basis to within an average of 5%. Sentiment data was also used to provide guidance on advertising productions, thematic elements, and key sentiments that drive (or detract from) customer revenue.