© Photo by Mara Lavitt
October 15, 2021
Rosenkrantz Hall, Yale University, New Haven

Headshots of folks in the Political Science department.

James Sundquist

Principal Research Scientist

Dr. James Sundquist is a Principal Research Scientist at NSI, Inc. As a political scientist, he employs a diverse toolkit to analyze social phenomena, including econometrics, natural language processing, and game theory. He has extensive expertise on China and its global presence, with over two years’ experience in-country and fluency in Mandarin. At NSI, James has contributed to evaluations of China’s approach to deterrence for USSTRATCOM, as well as Chinese activities in Sub-Saharan Africa. In support of the US Joint Staff Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA), he also regularly contributes to models and evaluations that inform planning and operations.

Prior to NSI, James was a Senior Lecturer at the Jackson School of Global Affairs at Yale University. He received his PhD in Political Science with distinction from Yale University, where he studied international relations and political economy.