Mitigating Disinformation in a Contested Environment: Frontline Experience from the Western Balkans

March 2021 No Comments

Speaker: Mr. John Cappello (Balkan Security Network)

Date: 9 March 2021

Speaker Session Summary

SMA hosted a speaker session, presented by Mr. John Cappello (Balkan Security Network), as a part of its SMA IIJO Speaker Series.

Mr. Capello began his presentation by emphasizing that disinformation can be countered by “providing newsworthy quality content” and that a fact-based narrative still has value in modern times. He then focused on the Balkans: a strategically important region for both the US and Russia. Mr. Cappello asserted that Russia has taken advantage of societal fissures in the region while propagating narratives that demonize the US; exaggerate threats to ethnic Serbs’ and Orthodox Christians’ security; and reinforce Russia’s image as a strong protector, which includes building a positive narrative surrounding Russia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr. Capello stated that, similar to a kinetic war, the US cannot be a reactive participant in its battle against the spread of Russian disinformation.

Mr. Capello argued that the US’s ability to offensively conduct information operations in the Balkans is contingent upon three separate organizations or networks: 1) the Balkan Security Network (BSN), 2) the Halyard Mission Foundation, and 3) outreach to individual communities. He believes that the BSN, a defense and regional security network located in the Balkans, has been successful at countering disinformation with fact-based and relevant information. The BSN has been able to successfully get its stories re-printed and distributed throughout the region—even in publications that are the main perpetrators of spreading Russian disinformation—by making the information relevant to the concerns of everyday people. He emphasized that the information needs to come from regional reporters in order for it to generate the maximum amount of influence. Using institutions, such as the Halyard Mission Foundation, that project a positive history between the US and the Balkans is another effective tool. 

Mr. Capello ended his presentation by describing how community outreach can lead to the creation of networks that spread positive US sentiment, both in the Balkans and elsewhere. He stated that this community outreach must be targeted and help people in their everyday lives, however. Otherwise, it will not be effective.

Speaker Session Recording

This speaker session supported SMA’s Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) project. For additional speaker sessions and project publications, please visit the IIJO project page.


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