China’s Perception of the Continuum of Conflict – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report

September 2019 No Comments

China’s Perception of the Continuum of Conflict – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report Authors | Editor: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Kuznar, E. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.) Subject Matter Expert Contributors Dean Cheng (Heritage Foundation), Michael Fabey (Jane’s Fighting Ships), David C. Gompert (US Naval Academy), Dr. Edward N. Luttwak (CSIS), Dr. Sean McFate (National […]

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Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Tactics of Competing Powers Over the Coming Decade – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report

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Kinetic and Non-Kinetic Tactics of Competing Powers Over the Coming Decade – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report Author | Editor: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.) Subject Matter Expert Contributors Bogdan Belei (Harvard University), Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Biller (US Naval War College), Dr. Patricia J. Blocksome (US Naval War College), Dr. David T. Burbach […]

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The Character of Global Competition and Conflict, 2019-2029 – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report

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The Character of Global Competition and Conflict, 2019-2029 – A Future of Global Competition and Conflict Virtual Think Tank Report Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc.); Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.) Subject Matter Expert Contributors Dr. Gawdat Bahgat (National Defense University), Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Biller (US Naval War College), Dr. Patricia J. Blocksome (US Naval War College), Dr. […]

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Extending Russia: Competing from an Advantageous Ground

September 2019 No Comments

“Extending Russia: Competing from an Advantageous Ground“ Speakers: Cohen, R. (RAND); Dobbins, J. (RAND); Shatz, H. (RAND) Date: 12 September 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Amb. James Dobbins (RAND), Dr. Raphael Cohen (RAND), and Dr. Howard Shatz (RAND) as a part of its Future of Global Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. The speakers presented their research, which examined “nonviolent, […]

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Guns to Butter: Economic Concerns and Policy Preferences in Russia

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“Guns to Butter: Economic Concerns and Policy Preferences in Russia“ Speaker: Snegovaya, M. (Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies) Date: 12 September 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Maria Snegovaya (Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies) as a part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series. Dr. Snegovaya first explained […]

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Talking to the Enemy: Explaining Diplomatic Strategy in Conflicts with China

September 2019 No Comments

“Talking to the Enemy: Explaining Diplomatic Strategy in Conflicts with China“ Speaker: Mastro, O. (Georgetown University) Date: 9 September 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Oriana Skylar Mastro (Georgetown University) as a part of its SMA INDOPACOM Speaker Series. Dr. Mastro first explained the motivation behind her research. The US does not have a good understanding of how […]

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SMA Quick Concepts Series: Extended Deterrence

September 2019 No Comments

SMA Quick Concepts Series: Extended Deterrence Authors | Editors: Dorondo, D. (Western Carolina University) & Stevenson, J. (NSI, Inc) Summary Extended deterrence encompasses pledges of military protection by a deterrent power to its allies and/or partners against a common potential aggressor. In the US case, these pledges constitute formal military commitments. These commitments can be, […]

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The Opioid Crisis: China, National Security, and the Undeclared Conflict

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Speakers: Bremseth, L. R. (Ret.); Giordano, J. (Georgetown University); Reist, D. (Knowledge Management Inc. (KMI)); von Trytek, A. (Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)) Date: 6 September 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. Presenters included Prof. James Giordano (Georgetown University), CAPT (Ret.) L. R. Bremseth, Brig. Gen. David G. Reist (Knowledge Management […]

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Problems in Viewing China’s Rise as a Threat to the Liberal International Order

September 2019 No Comments

“Problems in Viewing China’s Rise as a Threat to the Liberal International Order“ Speaker: Glasser, C. (George Washington University) Date: 5 September 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Prof. Charles Glaser (George Washington University) as a part of its SMA Minerva Speaker Series. During his brief, Prof. Glaser discussed his project for the Minerva Research Institute focused […]

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China’s Belt and Road: Myths, Risks, and Responses

August 2019 No Comments

“China’s Belt and Road: Myths, Risks, and Responses“ Speaker: Hillman, J. (Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)) Date: 28 August 2019 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Mr. Jonathan Hillman (Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)) as a part of its Future of Global Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. During his brief, Mr. Hillman discussed what China’s […]

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