National Security Implications of Space-Launch Innovation

January 2018 No Comments

[Q13] What are the national security implications of increasingly accessible and affordable commercial launch services? Are these the same for the US and near-peers or states with emergent space capabilities? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author | Editor: Stevenson, J. & Popp, G. (NSI, Inc,). Summary Response The experts solicited in this effort agree […]

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Blame, Sway, and Vigilante Tactics

January 2018 No Comments

Blame, Sway, and Vigilante Tactics: How Other Cultures Think Differently and Implications for Planning. Author | Editor: G. Sutherlin (Geographic Services, Inc.). Executive Summary Planners require context in order to achieve their goals. While planners understand that colder or more elevated locations have implications for an operation, the capacity to similarly adapt plans and operations […]

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Ally, Adversary, and Partner Use of Space

January 2018 No Comments

[Q2] How does each entity in the following categories conceive of space operations for military and commercial purposes? How do they approach space operations and services? Is there any difference in how their commercial ventures (if any) consider security during peace, crisis, and conflict? a. PRC, Russia, Iran, North Korea; b. European Space Agency, Japan, […]

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How Should Space Feature in US Deterrence Strategy

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[Q14] How should space feature in US deterrence strategy? How do space operations, policies, and investments impact multi-domain deterrence? What changes to US deterrence thinking are required to incorporate the space domain? To what extent should space adopt deterrence strategies from other domains? Which is the most critical US national security objective: deterring aggression from […]

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Hindrances Between Private and Gov’t Space Sectors

January 2018 No Comments

[Q9] What are the biggest hindrances to a successful relationship between the private and government space sectors? How can these be minimized? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author | Editor: A. Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc,). Summary Response The 33 individuals or teams that provided input represent large, medium, and small/start-up space companies;4 USG civil space […]

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Dominance in a Warfighting Domain Won’t Get Us There

December 2017 No Comments

Dominance in a Warfighting Domain Won’t Get Us There: Thoughts on a Comprehensive Approach for Space Security. Author | Editor: A. Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc,). Overview Recent statements by senior national security space leaders dubbing space a “warfighting domain” and calling for US space superiority are not a sufficient foundation for achieving a stable security environment […]

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Allied/Commercial Capabilities to Enhance Resilience

December 2017 No Comments

[Q11] What opportunities are there to leverage ally and commercial capabilities to enhance the resilience of space services for commercial and national security critical space services? What are the major hurdles to doing so? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author | Editor: B. Bragg (NSI, Inc,). Summary Response The importance of strengthening the resilience […]

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Motivations and Costs to Contest Uses of Space

December 2017 No Comments

[Q3] What are the motivations of nation-state and non-state actors (e.g., violent extremists, etc.) to contest use of space in times of peace, instability, and conflict? What are the political, military, environmental, or social costs associated with acting on those motivations? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author | Editor: J. Stevenson (NSI, Inc,). Summary […]

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(Outer) Space: An Exploration of Definitional Issues

December 2017 No Comments

[Q1] Are there any contentious space terms or definitions, or are there any noticeable disagreements amongst space communities about appropriate terminologies and/or appropriate definitions for terms? What are the common understandings and uses of space-related terms, definitions, classes and typologies of infrastructure and access? For example, how do we define different classes of space users […]

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Commercial Space Industry for Military Purposes

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[Q7] Are other nations outside the West poised to tap into their own commercial space industry for military purposes in the next 5-10 years?. A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author | Editor: B. Bragg (NSI, Inc,). Summary Response Background All the experts who contributed to this question noted that it begins from the incorrect […]

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