Network Analysis of Middle Eastern Regional Conflict: NSI Podcast 01

June 2018 No Comments

Speakers: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI); Jonas, A. (TRADOC); Kuznar, L. (NSI / Indiana University–Purdue University– Fort Wayne)

Podcast Preview

NSI just released its inaugural podcast, which features a previous SMA speaker session presented by Dr. Larry Kuznar (NSI / Indiana University- Purdue University- Fort Wayne), Dr. Allison Astorino-Courtois (NSI), and Mr. Adam Jonas (TRADOC). During this podcast, the speakers discuss their analysis of Middle East conflict and interest networks using social network analysis techniques and measures. Notable findings include the defeat of Daesh on the regional system as the prelude to broader conflict through previously unlikely alliances, cutting across ethno-religious lines. This and other points are discussed in the context of policy implications for DoD and application to the CENTCOM Reach Back effort.

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