The Singapore Summit and Understanding North Korea’s Calculus: NSI Podcast 02

August 2018 No Comments

Speaker: Gause, K. (CNA Center for Strategic Studies)

Podcast Preview

In NSI’s second podcast, Mr. Ken Gause (CNA Center for Strategic Studies) discusses the development of the historic Singapore summit between President Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un and provides his analysis of how the participating leaders came to meet. He then describes in detail the key assumptions of the traditional Korean analytical community and explains his take on why these perspectives are flawed.

Mr. Ken Gause is the director of the International Affairs Group and is the senior foreign leadership analyst for CNA’s Center for Strategic Studies. With over 30 years’ experience researching adversary leadership dynamics and decision making, Mr. Gause has personally directed studies on the North Korean, Iranian and Russian leadership over the past few decades. He has written several books on North Korean leadership and security dynamics, the most recent being “The North Korean House of Cards: Leadership Dynamics Under Kim Jong-Un.”

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***Coming Soon***

Stay tuned for NSI’s next podcast, which will feature a SMA speaker session presented by Mr. Vern Liebl (Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning (CAOCL)) that focuses on informal governance structures of Afghanistan, as well as an exclusive interview with Mr. Liebl on reconciliation efforts, population dynamics, and other topical issues.

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