The Influence Machine – Hacking Deterrence with Automated Information Operations: NSI Podcast 04

October 2018 No Comments

Speaker: Telley, C. (Naval Postgraduate School)

Podcast Preview

In NSI’s fourth podcast, MAJ Christopher Telley (Naval Postgraduate School) discusses the convergence of automated influence and information operations, as well as gaps in the defense community’s capability and development within these domains. During the exclusive Q&A portion of the podcast, MAJ Telley further explores challenges and developments in information and influence operations that the US military is encountering.

DISCLAIMER: Please note that during this podcast, Major Telley is strictly expressing his own opinion and not necessarily that of anyone else in the US government.

Major Telley is an Army Information Operations officer assigned to the Naval Postgraduate School, where he is studying information strategy, political warfare, and defense innovation. He has served in both Iraq and Afghanistan in combat roles as well in the West Pacific in information operations. Major Telley has written about networks and training for multidomain operations, economic media, and cryptocurrency, as well as artificial intelligence in support of information operations.

Listen to Podcast

If you have already listened to MAJ Telley’s speaker session and would like to go straight to the exclusive interview portion, please skip ahead to [0:26:10].

If you are interested in being featured in a NSI podcast, please email Ms. Nicole Omundson (

***Coming Soon***

Stay tuned for NSI’s next podcast, which will feature a SMA speaker session presented by Dr. Yuval Weber (Daniel Morgan Graduate School) that focuses on Russian regime motivations and general dynamics, as well as President Putin’s political resilience and the variety of internal and external challenges that he faces. This podcast will also feature an exclusive interview with Dr. Weber on other related topical issues.

Download Speaker Biography and Presentation Slides


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