Global Influence Operations                             

July 2024 No Comments

Speakers: Patrick Alley (Author, Terrible Humans) with Guest Host Jack Gaines (One CA Podcast)

Date: 31 July 2024

Speaker Session Summary

Global Witness employs a strategy of research, exposure, and advocacy to dismantle autocratic and kleptocratic regimes, such as Charles Taylor’s regime in Liberia. Patrick Alley and guest host Jack Gaines discussed how Global Witness uses investigative techniques and advocacy to expose authoritarian leaders and those perpetuating humanitarian crises. These techniques include undercover investigations, research, and using industry-specific expertise. For instance, Global Witness used geological experts to investigate the diamond company De Beers, which was buying illegal diamonds that were funding wars in Africa. Similarly, Global Witness impacted Taylor’s ability to fund his war in Liberia by exposing his reliance on the Liberian timber trade and petitioning the United Nations to impose economic sanctions. 

The discussion eventually turned to Russian influence in Africa and how to counter its efforts to build soft power with African states. Russia uses its paramilitary organization, Wagner, to foster pro-Russian sentiment among African leaders in resource-rich countries like Mali and the Central African Republic. Wagner provides personal security, manipulates public opinion, and trains armies in these countries. Ultimately, Russia aims to colonize Africa, trading increased state security for natural resources and a means to evade sanctions. Mr. Alley emphasized the importance of non-governmental organizations in collecting data and exposing bad actors. 

For more about Global Witness’ efforts to expose humanitarian crises and abusive actors, read Mr. Alley’s book, Terrible Humans and Very Bad People.  

Speaker Session Recording

Briefing Materials

Biography: Patrick Alley has participated in over 50 field investigations in Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe. He has taken his findings to governments, lawmakers, and multinational company boardrooms to drive reforms and change. Alongside his two co-founders, Patrick received the 2014 Skoll Award for Social Entrepreneurship and in 2003, Global Witness was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Global Witness is one of the world’s leading investigative organizations dedicated to rooting out corruption and environmental and human rights abuses around the world. They are credited for exposing the Khmer-Rouge, resulting in the collapse of the regime; the “Blood Diamond” campaign to remove mining profits that fuelled the Angolan civil war and ending the insurgency; mapping Russia’s illicit trade that supports its war in Ukraine and advocating blocking the funds; and mapping Wagner’s operations in sub-Sahara and central Africa and how they support Russian foreign policy.


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