This NSI Pathways analysis examines the degree of overlap between reconciliation and reintegration markers, along with an assessment of the status of these markers in Afghanistan.
IRC (Interest-Resolve-Capability) analysis finds that retaining regional influence in the context of Chinese economic might and ambition requires significant change in the US’ approach to the region.
This quantitative discourse analysis of each of the DPRK’s leaders was conducted in historical frameworks in order to assess how Kim Jong-un is likely to negotiate relative to his father and grandfather.
NSI has been providing analytical and programmatic support to the US Defense Department Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) office for over a decade working the most complex and urgent national security issues affecting our military and intelligence agencies.
For the past several years NSI has been providing the US Special Operations Command Central Commander with a variety of research and analyses focused on the numerous conflicts, unrest, and the broader influences and regional dynamics of the central Middle East.
NSI participated in a collaborative review for the US Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority that evaluated strategic risks and identified knowledge gaps in future security environments and their implications to Palestinian security sector reform efforts.
NSI has applied its StaM conceptual framework and analytic methodology to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nigeria, West Bank, and Dhaka Bangladesh providing decision-makers with a rich contextual understanding of the social, economic and governing stability dynamics.
NSI has conducted research and analyses for US Strategic Command on concepts of nuclear strategy, how to use models/methods to better understand issues in deterrence, non-proliferation, and assurance, as well as development of decision analysis and planning tools.
NSI has conducted research and analyses on deterring or influencing violent extremist organizations; assessing nuclear smuggling and weapons of mass destruction terrorism scenarios; and modeling and assessing ethnic conflict, repression, insurgency and social strife.
NSI developed a decision analysis tool termed Holistic Engagement Activity Ranking Tool (HEART) to help planners and analysts from US Africa Command assess and compare command engagement activities and events over multiple decision criteria and timeframes.
NSI has applied its discourse analysis to efforts ranging from measuring leaders’ cognitive complexity that precede armed conflict, rhetoric in nuclear and missile testing and peace negotiations, behavioral intentions of leadership, and sentiment in social media commentary.
NSI conducted a multi-model strategic analysis of the Sudan for US Central Command that addressed root causes of the humanitarian crisis, regional effects Sudan is having on the Horn of Africa, and conditions allowing Sudan to become a harbor for nefarious activity.
NSI conducted both organizational and social network analyses for a Navy counter-narcotics and trafficking program that automatically extracted entities, resolved variants, and related them to watch-log entries and the associated case or contact movement alert.
NSI examined future political, security, societal and economic trends to help US European Command planners determine where US and NATO interests were congruent or in conflict with Russian interests as well as leverage points and their impact relative to Russian interests.
NSI conducted a literature review of the intersection of social media and political events for an Intelligence client and found that social media influences on political events varies considerably and will continue as the sophistication of technology and its users evolves.
NSI planned, managed, and executed numerous social science modeling and analyses efforts for two projects focused on providing the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commander with a rich contextual understanding of the Pakistan and Afghanistan region.
NSI conducted research and analyses for US Pacific Command identifying drivers of conflict and convergence in the Asia-Pacific region spanning the next two decades examining socio-political and economic trends and where US and Chinese interests converge or conflict.
NSI conducted a fragmentation pathways analysis of Pakistan for the Joint Staff to determine what path it was on by creating theoretical propositions about the nature of pathways, tested these against 12 historical cases, and applied the refined pathways to Pakistan.