Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone: Estonia

January 2017 No Comments

Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone Activity: Russian-Estonian Relations Case Study.

Author | Editor: Dr. Lawrence Kuznar, George Popp, & Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.)

The increasing use of emotive themes and rhetorical devices (that amplify a message’s emotional effect) provide indicators of gray zone activities in speeches made by Eurasian regional leaders and has the potential to provide leading indicators and reveal key issues and concerns.

Indicators & Warnings (I&W)
  • Putin exhibits a sustained concern over Europe and the threat of Nazism, consistent with earlier studies (Kuznar, 2016b).
  • The overall sentiment between the Putin and Estonian governments demonstrates increasingly negative relations between the two countries.
Predominant Concerns of Regional Actors
  • The Putin government predictably stresses the plight of Russian Minorities in Estonia, and the need for Cooperation in its discourses on Estonia.
  • Ethnic Russian-Estonians emphasizes their ethnic Identity.
  • The Estonian government stresses the need for Cooperation.
Use of Emotional Language
  • The Estonian government used nearly five times the amount of emotional language (emotional themes and rhetorical devices) used by the Putin government.
    • This pattern reflects other studies that have demonstrated that the Putin government generally uses much more restrained language than other leaders (Kuznar, Popp, & Peterson, 2017; Kuznar & Yager, 2016).
    • This restrained language may be an indicator that the Putin government is more vulnerable to traditional deterrence operations (USSTRATCOM, 2006), provided that their values are accurately identified.
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