A Peace Deal For Afghanistan: Views of the Key Parties

July 2018 No Comments

A Peace Deal For Afghanistan: Views of the Key Parties

Speaker: Walsh, J. (United States Institute for Peace [USIP])

Date: 12 July 2018

Speaker Session Preview

SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Mr. Johnny Walsh (United States Institute of Peace [USIP]) as a part of its SMA CENTCOM (Afghanistan) Speaker Series. Mr. Walsh discussed what key issues would be covered if the involved parties in Afghanistan were to work towards drafting an agreement. He stated that five fronts would need to be addressed: 1) constitutional review, 2) the distribution of political power, 3) the fate of Taliban fighters and detainees, 4) local security and how it can be sustained in areas in which the Taliban is strong, and 5) the role of international forces in Afghanistan. He then presented his preliminary findings after conducting interviews with Afghan leaders, or “bond respondents,” on each of these topics, along with USIP’s research findings, which outline Taliban fighters’ and commanders’ views on the same topics.

To access an audio file of the speaker session, please contact Ms. Nicole Omundson (nomundson@nsiteam.com).

Download Mr. Walsh’s biography


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