Beyond the Wire: US Military Deployments and Host Country Public Opinion

June 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. Carla Martinez Machain (University at Buffalo, SUNY) Date: 27 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary The presence of a US military base in a host country naturally increases interactions between that host country’s citizens and US military personnel. These interactions occur in many countries, partly because the US has maintained a 25% deployment rate […]

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China’s Emergence as a Second Nuclear Peer: Implications for US Nuclear Deterrence

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Speaker: Dr. Bradford Roberts (LLNL) Date: 21 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Bradford Roberts (LLNL) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. The deterrence landscape has changed drastically and quickly during the decades since the Cold War. In response to these changes, USSTRATCOM is reforming its […]

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Alternative Ukrainian Future Trajectories: Implications for Russia and the West

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Speaker: Dr. Graeme Herd (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies) Date: 22 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Graeme Herd (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies) as part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series. Dr. Graeme Herd at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies is […]

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Building a Strategic Framework for Tailored Deterrence of China in Space

June 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. Krista Langeland (RAND) Date: 13 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Krista Langeland (RAND) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. The US Armed Forces must bolster their warfighting capabilities in space to better deter aggressive Chinese activities in the domain. US-China competition in space […]

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Using a Nuclear Security & Nonproliferation Approach to Reduce US-PRC Escalation Risks in a DPRK Collapse Scenario

June 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. Justin Anderson (NDU) Date: 8 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Justin Anderson (NDU) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. Despite the deep freeze in US-China relations, the US and China have mutual interests that could reduce risk in a future DPRK regime collapse […]

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The Ukrainian Army is Leveraging Online Influencers. Can the U.S. Military?

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Speaker: Dr. Todd Helmus (RAND) Date: 6 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary The war in Ukraine has demonstrated how cooperation between a country’s military and prominent social media influencers can be a useful tool for harnessing narrative control relating to conflicts. Dr. Helmus argued that Ukraine has been out-performing Russia in its ability to create […]

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A Restraint Approach to U.S. China Policy

May 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Michael Swaine (Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft) Date: 1 June 2023 Speaker Session Summary Although the US-China competition has global economic and political implications, it is still primarily focused on the Asia-Pacific region. If this strategic competition escalates to armed conflict, then it will become incredibly costly to both the US and China. Dr. […]

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Cold Peace: Avoiding the New Cold War

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Speaker: Dr. Michael Doyle (Columbia University) Date: 31 May 2023 Speaker Session Summary US and China are considered by many analysts and scholars to be in a second Cold War. Dr. Doyle specified that there are four types of political relationships—hot war, cold war, cold peace, and warm peace. If countries are in a hot […]

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Russian Nuclear Orthodoxy: Religion, Coercion and the Russian Way of War

May 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Professor Dmitry Adamsky (Reichman University) Date: 19 July 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Professor Dmitry Adamsky (Reichman University) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. The Kremlin is blending its nuclear discourse, politics, and theological beliefs, changing the domestic perception in Russia regarding just nuclear war and […]

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Ethical and National Security Implications of Genetic Weapons

May 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. Yelena Biberman (Skidmore College; South Asia Center, Atlantic Council; Davis Center, Harvard University) Date: 24 May 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Yelena Biberman (Skidmore College) as part of its SMA General Speaker Series. At times, biotechnology appears to blend science fiction and reality. The potential warfighting applications of biotechnology […]

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