The Future Character of Information in Strategy: Forged by Cognition and Technology

September 2021 No Comments

Author(s): Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology) Publication preview: The basic cognitive nature of how human brains process information hasn’t changed for millennia, including how we use information in strategy. Information is crucial for strategy aimed at others, whether that is outwitting adversaries or cooperating with allies. And even a superb strategy must be conveyed to one’s […]

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National Security in a Digital World

August 2021 No Comments

Speaker(s): Gordon, S. (Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence) Date: 31 August 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with the Honorable Sue Gordon (Former Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence) as part of its SMA INSS/PRISM Speaker Series. The vast amount of current and emerging technologies allows any individual or governing body […]

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The Delicate Balance of Survivability: New Insights from Game Theory on How Missile Defense and Counterforce Impact Strategic Stability and Deterrence

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Speaker(s): Bahney, B. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); Soper, B. (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Date: 2 September 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Mr. Benjamin W. Bahney (Senior Fellow, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) and Dr. Braden C. Soper (Data Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) as part of its SMA STRATCOM Speaker Series.  By […]

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Compendium of Recommendations for Countering Russian and Other State-Sponsored Propaganda

August 2021 No Comments

Speaker(s): Helmus, T. (RAND) Date: 26 August 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Todd C. Helmus (RAND) as part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series. Countering Russian propaganda and disinformation campaigns is a complex task which involves many different policy changes from both government and private actors. In this meta-analysis, Dr. […]

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The Uses and Limits of US Leverage in Fragile States

August 2021 No Comments

Speaker(s): Campbell, J. (RAND); Martini, J. (RAND); Toukan, M. (RAND); Watts, S. (RAND) Date: 27 August 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Stephen Watts (RAND), Mr. Jeffrey Martini (RAND), Mr. Jason H. Campbell (RAND), Dr. Mark Toukan (RAND) as part of its SMA General Speaker Series. The research team from RAND […]

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Experimental Red Teaming to Support Integration of Information in Joint Operations

August 2021 No Comments

Author(s): Ackerman, G. (CART); Clifford, D. (CART); Wetzel, A. (CART); LaTourette, J. (CART); Peterson, H. (CART) Publication Preview As part of the modeling and simulation phase of the IIJO effort, the Center for Advanced RedTeaming (CART) worked closely with the ICONS Project at the University of Maryland toemploy two separate yet integrated human simulation approaches […]

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Measuring Information Effects

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Author(s): Bragg, B. (NSI, Inc.) Publication Preview The objective of the Integrating Information into Joint Operations (IIJO) project is to assess the ways in which the Joint Force can most effectively integrate information1 into its activities across the competition-conflict continuum. During the course of this project, we have spoken to many people familiar with both […]

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Information Maneuver in Military Operations

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Author(s): Elder, R. (George Mason University) Invited Perspective Preview Treating information as a form of maneuver can provide powerful advantages to commandersand political leaders responsible for US and partner national security. The components ofsuccessful maneuver first proposed by van Creveld, Canby, & Brower in 1994—positioning,tempo, Schwerpunkt, surprise and deception, cross-domain synergy, flexibility, unity of effort,and […]

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Global Health Diplomacy in the Time of COVID-19

August 2021 No Comments

Speaker(s): Herron, E. (West Virginia University); Buckley, C. (University of Illinois) Date: 18 August 2021 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Erik Herron (Eberly Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, West Virginia University) with Dr. Cynthia J. Buckley (Professor of Sociology & Faculty Affiliate of the Center for Russian, East European […]

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TRADOC G-2 E-Intern Initiative Reports

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Author(s): Lewis, H. H. (College of William & Mary), Kabbara, A-R. (College of William & Mary), & Matthews, H. (College of William & Mary) TRADOC G-2 E-Intern Initiative In 2016, TRADOC G-2 launched a virtual/telework intern program for college students to work side-by-side (in a virtual environment) with Army leaders to gain practical, real-world experience […]

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