Russian Strategic Deterrence Frameworks

September 2023 No Comments

Author: Dr. Graeme Herd (George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies) Publication Preview This paper is structured around four key sections, each answering a core question. First,what is the relationship between Russia’s core strategic goals and the foundations of Russian strategic deterrence? Second, how has Russian strategic nuclear thought evolved from the Stalinist era […]

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China’s Three Roads to Controlling Taiwan

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Speakers: Dr. Dan Blumenthal (AEI) & Frederick W. Kagan (AEI); Jack Gaines, Moderator (One CA Podcast) Date: 27 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary The increasing political and military tensions between China and Taiwan are frequently discussed in Western media. During these discussions, politicians and pundits point out Taiwan’s strategic importance to the US and China, […]

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Putin and the Psychology of Nuclear Brinkmanship

September 2023 No Comments

Speakers: Dr. Rose McDermott (Brown University) and Dr. Paul Slovic (Brown University) Date: 28 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Rose McDermott (Brown University) and Dr. Paul Slovic (Brown University) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. The world has not experienced a global military conflict since […]

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Freedom in the World 2023: Marking 50 Years in the Struggle for Democracy

September 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Yana Gorokhovskaia (Freedom House) Date: 20 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary For fifty years, Freedom House has published its assessment of the state of democracy around the world. Freedom House categorizes countries and territories in to three groups based off a point system: 1) free, 2) partly free, and 3) not free. Dr. Gorokhovskaia […]

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The Minds and Actions of Devoted Actors and the Will to Fight: A Behavioral and Brain Studies Approach to War and Extreme Group Conflict

September 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Dr. Scott Atran (University of Michigan) Date: 12 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary What drives warfighters to make costly sacrifices—including their lives—is a long-standing question that military and civilian leaders have tried to answer. Dr. Atran explained that this question can be studied through two different psychological models: 1) rational choice theory and 2) […]

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Russia’s Role in Global Nuclear Supply Chains

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Speaker: Ms. Darya Dolzikova (RUSI) Date: 12 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary Ms. Dolzikova discussed how Russia’s civil nuclear sector has largely evaded the sanctions placed on the rest of the Russian economy since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. During her presentation she outlined the drivers of the global dependency on Russia’s civil […]

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Double deterrence: Two challengers, one defender

August 2023 No Comments

Author: Dr. Frank Zagare (University of Buffalo) Publication Preview During the cold war the conventional wisdom was that an all-out war between the United States and theSoviet Union was all but precluded. The key to this strategic nirvana was a carefully calibrated balance ofstrategic weapons and the high costs associated with nuclear conflict. The policy […]

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Strategic Culture – Its history, issues, and complexity

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Authors: Dr. Lawrence A. Kuznar (NSI, Inc.); Nathan Heath (NSI, Inc.); George Popp (NSI, Inc.) Publication Preview The concept of strategic culture emerges in discussions of both tailored and integrated deterrence. Thisreport examines the concept’s history, current consensus, and enduring debates about what it entails. Italso proposes a model of strategic culture as a complex […]

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Nuclear Intimidation: A Russian Success Story

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Speaker: Professor Keir Giles (Chatham House) Date: 5 September 2023 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Prof. Keir Giles (Chathan House) as part of its SMA “Strategic Deterrence Frameworks” (SDF) Speaker Series. Russia’s long-term information operations (IO) and influence campaigns have altered how US and Western decision makers perceive the risk level of Russia […]

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Concepts of Influence Beyond Punishment and Denial: A Combined Effect Analysis of China, Russia, and Iran

August 2023 No Comments

Speaker: Brig Gen (Ret) Thomas Drohan (Professor Emeritus of Military and Strategic Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy; Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies) Date: 29 August 2023 Speaker Series Summary SMA hosted a speaker session with Brig Gen (Ret) Thomas Drohan (Professor Emeritus of Military and Strategic Studies, U.S. Air Force Academy; Mitchell Institute for Aerospace […]

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