(Updated 20 March 2025) For general speaker series inquiries and information on how to join an event, please contact Mariah Yager (mariah.c.yager.ctr@mail.mil). Thursday 27 March 2025 1500 ET Monday 1 April 2025 1000 ET Monday 8 April 2025 1000 ET Tuesday 30 April 1100 ET
Continue ReadingAuthors: Dr. Skye Cooley (Oklahoma State University); Randy Kluver (Oklahoma State University); Dr. Ethan Stokes (University of Alabama) Report Preview This report details Russian and Chinese media presentations of operations and intentions in the space domain to their respective populations. These presentations provide us insight into how members of these nation states understand their government’s […]
Continue ReadingIran’s Relationship to Yemeni Zayidis Authors | Editors: Vern Liebl (Marine Corps Center for Advanced Operational Culture Learning). Executive Summary Question 10: Do views of the Velayat-i-Faqih (in Yemen) present challenges to Iranian influences among holders of Zayid views? Question 11: Do divergent religious views/practices present challenges among the Iranian populace in relation to presentation […]
Continue ReadingMedia Narrative Analysis: Iranian, Russian, and Chinese News Coverage of the Future of Afghanistan Contributors: Cooley, S.C. (Oklahoma State University) & Hinck, R. S. (Monmouth College) Executive Summary This project analyzed Chinese, Russian, and Iranian media narratives concerning interests in, and future prospects of, Afghanistan stability through three phases: Phase I (May-June, 2018; 79 articles), […]
Continue ReadingReconciliation and Reintegration in Afghanistan Contributors: Kuznar, L., Stevenson, J., Polansky (Pagano), S., Jafri, A., & Kuznar, E. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary This report provides an analysis of the compatibility of reconciliation and reintegration processes, an assessment of the potential for achieving successful reconciliation and reintegration in Afghanistan, and an examination of which US government […]
Continue ReadingAn Analysis of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Discourse From 2008 – 2018 Contributors: Aviles, W. & Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary This study was conducted to address the question: How can the US increase the resolve and capability of Pakistan to support political reconciliation in Afghanistan and the region? Two methods of textual analysis […]
Continue ReadingPost-Negotiated Settlement Afghan Stability Dynamics Contributors: TRADOC G27 Models and Simulations Branch Executive Summary This paper provides the TRADOC G27 Models and Simulations Branch initial assessment for Phases I and II of the Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) CENTCOM Afghanistan project. Phase I specifically assessed the impact of three different hypothetical Afghan government constructs: Centralized, Enhanced […]
Continue ReadingThe Options for Getting to Political Reconciliation in Afghanistan Contributors: Jafri, A., Stevenson, J., Kuznar, E. & Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary In August of 2018, United States Central Command asked the Strategic Multilayer Assessment Reachback team, How can the United States best increase the resolve and capability of regional actors to get to […]
Continue Reading“Contagious Counterinsurgency: How Civilian Social Networks Shape Military Control” Speaker: Haim, D. (Dartmouth College) Date: 18 December 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Dotan Haim (Dartmouth College) as a part of its SMA STRATCOM Speaker Series. During his presentation, Dr. Haim argued that the strength of civilian social networks, […]
Continue Reading“Grand Strategy” Speaker: Layton, P. (New America) Date: 13 December 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted an exclusive Q&A session featuring Dr. Peter Layton (Griffith Asia Institute, Griffith University) as a part of its Future of Global Power Competition & Conflict Speaker Series. Dr. Layton highlighted the two primary premises upon which his book, entitled […]
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