Sino-Russian Competition: Self-Inflicted Competition in Central Asia?

March 2020 No Comments

“Sino-Russian Competition: Self-Inflicted Competition in Central Asia?“ Authors | Editors: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Kuznar, E. (NSI, Inc.) Report Preview China and Russia support each other’s political and economic objectives both globally and in the USCENTCOM area of responsibility (AOR) because, in part, of a strong mutual interest in weakening the United States’ geopolitical influence and power (Solomentseva, […]

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Assessing Buffers and Drivers of Conflict in the Arab Gulf

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“Assessing Buffers and Drivers of Conflict in the Arab Gulf“ Authors | Editors: Aviles, W. (NSI, Inc.); Rieger, T. (NSI, Inc.); Goncharova, A. (NSI, Inc.) Bottom Line Up Front Experts contend that the risk of militarization of the dispute between Qatar and the Quartet is low. However, prolonged tension between the two sides has failed attempts at mediation and the underlying issues persist. Until a diplomatic […]

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Potential Paths to Instability in Jordan

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“Potential Paths to Instability in Jordan“ Authors | Editors: Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.), Dr. Allison Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc.), & Tom Rieger (NSI, Inc.) Bottom Line What would be the strongest catalyst leading to a civil war/revolt in Jordan? It is highly unlikely that a single catalyst could lead to a civil war or revolt in Jordan. Significant regime crisis […]

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Preventing Radicalization among Internally Displaced People in Syria and Iraq

March 2020 No Comments

“Preventing Radicalization among Internally Displaced People in Syria and Iraq“ Authors | Editors: Kaltenthaler, K. (University of Akron); Kruglanski, A. (University of Maryland) Key Questions Motivating Study How do you protect an at-risk population from extremism in an IDP camp?  How do you build community resilience to help prevent radicalization?  How do you triage and segregate persons in IDP/refugee camps […]

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Young People Aged 0-17: Neuroscience and Cognition to Break Cycles of Radicalization

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“Young People Aged 0-17: Neuroscience and Cognition to Break Cycles of Radicalization“ Author | Editor: Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology) Executive Summary [B1] How do we break the cycle of radicalization, particularly with children who know no other social system / model of governance? Are there possible graduated steps to deradicalization, i.e., judicial efforts, penal efforts, religious efforts, familial […]

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Affording New Futures: The Neuroscience and Cognition of Reintegration and Reconciliation

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“Affording New Futures: The Neuroscience and Cognition of Reintegration and Reconciliation“ Author | Editor: Wright, N. (Intelligent Biology) Executive Summary [B4] How do you reintegrate radicalized people back into society? Both Saudi Arabia and Pakistan have centers focussed on this problem. What should the international community do with people who cannot be reintegrated into society? Are there lessons from other […]

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Black Swans and Gray Rhinos in the CENTCOM AOR: Vigilance Against the Unsuspected and Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize

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“Black Swans and Gray Rhinos in the CENTCOM AOR: Vigilance Against the Unsuspected and Keeping Our Eyes on the Prize“ Speakers: Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.); Wilkenfeld, J. (University of Maryland); Cioffi-Revilla, C. (George Mason University); Pike, T. (National Intelligence University); Lawson, S. (University of Utah) Date: 4 March 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part […]

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Why Deterrence Is Dead

March 2020 No Comments

“Why Deterrence Is Dead“ Speaker: Lewis, J. (Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]) Date: 3 March 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. James Lewis (Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS]) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. Dr. Lewis first stated that what the US signals and what China and Russia interpret those signals to mean are often entirely different. This constant misinterpretation is […]

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Child’s Play: Cooperative Games as Tools of Deradicalization

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“Child’s Play: Cooperative Games as Tools of Deradicalization“ Authors | Editors: Cooley, A. (Oklahoma State University); Cooley, S. (Oklahoma State University); Hinck, R. (Monmouth College); Kitsch, S. (Monmouth College) Executive Summary Research on radicalization is more robust theoretically than research on deradicalization. While there are several workable theoretical systems explaining radicalization, no theory of deradicalization exists (Koehler, 2017). The most commonly discussed characteristic […]

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Futures Study with an Assessment of Syrian Refugee Camp Radicalization Dynamics

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“Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Futures Study with an Assessment of Syrian Refugee Camp Radicalization Dynamics” Authors | Editors: Lee, H. (US Army TRADOC G-2 Modeling and Simulation Directorate); Donahue, J. (US Army TRADOC G-2 Modeling and Simulation Directorate); Roth, N. (US Army TRADOC G-2 Modeling and Simulation Directorate); Hunter-Chester, D. (US Army TRADOC G-2 Modeling and Simulation Directorate) Executive Summary […]

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