Stability in US-Egyptian Relations: Why the United States is Unlikely to Make a Major Policy Shift in Response to Egyptian Events

March 2020 No Comments

“Stability in US-Egyptian Relations: Why the United States is Unlikely to Make a Major Policy Shift in Response to Egyptian Events“ Authors | Editors: Sabrina (Pagano) Polansky (NSI, Inc.); Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.) NSI Reachback Report Preview The United States’ relationship with Egypt is generally thought to be an important one (Miller, 2020; Sharp, 2019; Wisner […]

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SMA AFRICOM Panel Discussion- Libya

February 2020 No Comments

“SMA AFRICOM Panel Discussion- Libya“ Speakers: Nagata, M. (CACI International); Pack, J. (Libya-Analysis LLC); Winer, J. (Middle East Institute) Date: 28 February 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA AFRICOM Speaker Series. The panelists included LTG(R) Michael K. Nagata (Consolidated Analysis Center, Incorporated [CACI]), Mr. Jason Pack (Libya-Analysis LLC), and Mr. Jonathan Winer (Middle East Institute). […]

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Red Teaming Great Power Competition in the USCENTCOM AOR

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Authors | Editors: Ackerman, G. (University of Albany); Wetzel, A. (University of Albany); Clifford, D. (University of Albany); Peterson, H. (University of Albany); Latourette, J. (University of Albany) Executive Summary As a pilot study, the Center for Advanced Red Teaming conducted a series of four simulation sessions in January 2020 to explore the question of how Great […]

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Rights and the Challenge of Belonging

February 2020 No Comments

“Rights and the Challenge of Belonging“ Speakers: Seligman, A. (Boston University & Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion [CEDAR]); Montgomery, D. (University of Maryland & CEDAR) Date: 26 February 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Adam Seligman (Boston University & Communities Engaging with Difference and Religion [CEDAR]) and Dr. David Montgomery (University of Maryland […]

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Gaming Gray Zone Tactics: Design Considerations for a Structured Strategic Game

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“Gaming Gray Zone Tactics: Design Considerations for a Structured Strategic Game“ Speakers: Pettyjohn, S. (RAND); Wasser, R. (RAND) Date: 25 February 2020 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Stacie Pettyjohn (RAND) and Ms. Becca Wasser (RAND) as a part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series. Dr. Pettyjohn first stated that the gray zone is “more usefully […]

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Dealing with Radicalization in IDP Camps

February 2020 No Comments

“Dealing with Radicalization in IDP Camps“ Authors | Editors: Kuznar, L. (NSI, Inc.); Jafri, A. (NSI, Inc.); Kuznar, E. (NSI, Inc.) NSI Reachback Report Preview The Middle Eastern region of the USCENTCOM area of responsibility (AOR) currently has approximately 20 million displaced persons, many of whom live in camps (see NSI Reachback question B3 response). These people […]

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Common Characteristics of “Successful” Deradicalization Programs of the Past

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“Common Characteristics of ‘Successful’ Deradicalization Programs of the Past“ Authors | Editors: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc.); Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Day, J. (NSI, Inc.) NSI Reachback Report Preview There is no “one size fits all” approach to disengagement and deradicalization—disengagement and deradicalization programs should be tailored to the specific environments and individuals/groups of interest. However, analysis of historical […]

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Regime Collapse in Syria: Expectations and Implications

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“Regime Collapse in Syria: Expectations and Implications“ Authors | Editors: Jafri, A. (NSI, Inc.); Goncharova, A. (NSI, Inc.) NSI Reachback Report Preview At present, collapse of the Assad regime in Syria is generally considered to be a remote possibility for three reasons: the Syrian government’s consolidation of power, a fragmented opposition, and the resolve of international actors […]

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SMA’s Chinese Strategic Intentions White Paper Panel Discussion- Part III (How the US, Its Allies, and Its Partner Nations Should Manage the Global Challenges Presented by China)

February 2020 No Comments

“SMA’s Chinese Strategic Intentions White Paper Panel Discussion- Part III (How the US, Its Allies, and Its Partner Nations Should Manage the Global Challenges Presented by China)“ Speakers: Babb, J. (US Army Command and General Staff College); Cheng, D. (Heritage Foundation); Mazarr, M. (RAND); Spalding, R. (Retired); Forrest, C. (US Air Force HQ AF/A3K (CHECKMATE)) […]

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US Action and Inaction in Lebanon: Charting the Best Course for US Interests in Great Power Competition

February 2020 No Comments

Authors | Editors: Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc.); Aviles, W. (NSI, Inc.) Report Abstract Despite significant challenges to its stability, Lebanon has long survived politically and economically. Nonetheless, poor governance and a severe economic crisis, coupled with ongoing public outrage, signal that the Lebanese government may no longer be able to withstand its enduring pressures. In this report, we consider two recommendations […]

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