Considerations in Southwest Asia Regarding Stability in Afghanistan

April 2018 No Comments

Considerations in Southwest Asia Regarding Stability in Afghanistan

Speaker: Keravuori, E. (CENTCOM Combined Strategic Analysis Group J5-G)

Date: 24 April 2018

Speaker Session Preview

SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Col Eero Keravuori (CENTCOM Combined Strategic Analysis Group J5-G) as a part of its SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series. Col Keravuori discussed the realignment of focus within CENTCOM — “a new great game”— looks at three factors that can be assessed to determine a pathway to Afghanistan’s stability (legacy of persistent instability, along with internal and external factors). Col Keravuori discussed each of these in turn, elaborating on internal factors (Afghan government, the Taliban, “power brokers,” and economics) and external factors (Afghanistan’s near neighbors and other powers) that have made stability difficult to achieve. Col Keravuori concluded by presenting a list of things that should be done to assist Afghanistan on its path towards stability and offering a series of relevant questions that SMA could help CENTCOM answer.

To access an audio file of the speaker session, please contact Ms. Nicole Omundson (

Download Col Keravuori’s biography and slides


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