How Disagreement Over Space Terms Can Create Barriers to Transparency in the Space Domain

April 2018 No Comments

How Disagreement Over Space Terms Can Create Barriers to Transparency in the Space Domain

Authors: Dr. Sabrina Polansky (Pagano) (NSI, Inc.) and Dr. John Stevenson (NSI, Inc.)


Because limitations space situational awareness functionally limit direct observation of adverse events in space, actors in space instead rely on other methods of making inferences about the causes behind adverse events, including communicating with each other. As a result, miscommunications that lead to incorrect inferences about the causes of adverse events can pose great risks to stable governance and crisis management in the space domain. One solution to reduce the risks of miscommunications is creating transparency by sharing SSA-relevant information, particularly in times of crisis. An under-appreciated (and under-theorized) aspect of this process is the key space terms used to describe events and causality in the space domain. Key space terms shape and reflect how actors ascribe intentionality and describe threats within the space domain. In this Concept Paper, we argue that disagreement over key terms related to events in space form barriers to creating communication transparency. While the consequences of these discrepancies in the use of key space terms are in some cases benign, in other cases, disagreement over key space terms can negatively impact US national security when terminological disagreement stifle effective, transparent communication among space actors.


Pagano, S. & Stevenson, J. (2018). NSI Concept Paper, How Disagreement Over Space Terms Can Create Barriers to Transparency in the Space Domain,. Arlington, VA: Strategic Multi-layer Assessment (SMA).

This publication was released as part of SMA’s Contested Space Operations: Space Defense, Deterrence, and Warfighting project. For more information regarding this project, please click here.

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