Question (LR2): What will be Iran’s strategic calculus regarding Iraq and the region post-ISIL? How will JCPOA impact the calculus? What opportunities exist for the US/Coalition to shape the environment favorable to our interests? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). Iran’s Approach in Iraq A number of the Iran SMEs who contributed to this […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (QL1): What are the factors that could potentially cause behavior changes in Pakistan and how can the US and coalition countries influence those factors? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). The experts who contributed to this Quick Look agree on an essential point: Pakistan’s beliefs regarding the threat posed by India are so […]
Continue ReadingThe Conflict in the Donbas between Gray and Black: The Importance of Perspective. Author | Editor: Finkel, E. (University of Maryland, START). The current case study analyzes the presence and importance of Gray Zone conflict dynamics and the employment of various instruments of power during the still ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine (Donbas) since its […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (V1): What is Missing from Counter Messaging in the Information Domain. What are USCENTCOM and the global counter-ISIL coalition missing from countermessaging efforts in the information domain? Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). “Western countries have failed to match the coordination, intensity, not to mention zealotry of the communication effort of [Daesh’s] global, […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (V4): Post-ISIL Iraq Scenarios. What are the most likely post-lSIL Iraq scenarios with regards to Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, Infrastructure, Physical Environment, and Time (PMESII-PT)? Where are the main PMESII-PT friction points, which are most acute, and how are they best exploited to accomplish a stable end state favorable to U.S. and coalition […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (V5): Factors that Will Influence the Future of Syria. What are the factors that will influence the future of Syria and how can we best affect them? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). Experts varied from pessimistic (chronic warfare) to cautiously optimistic regarding their expectations for the future of Syria, yet mentioned many […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (V6): Strategic and Operational Implications of the Iran Nuclear Deal. What are the strategic and operational implications of the Iran nuclear deal on the US-led coalition¹s ability to prosecute the war against ISIL in Iraq and Syria and to create the conditions for political, humanitarian and security sector stability? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (V7): Objectives and Motivations of Indigenous State and Non-State Partners In the Counter-Isil Fight. What are the strategic objectives and motivations of indigenous state and non-state partners in the counter-ISIL fight? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). The following are high-level results of a study assessing Middle East regional dynamics based on the […]
Continue ReadingQuestion (S3): What must the coalition do in the information environment to achieve its objectives in Iraq and Syria and how can it deny adversaries the ability to achieve theirs? Author | Editor: Spitaletta, J. (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory). The following set of responses to Question S3 represent an attempt to distill the […]
Continue ReadingMosul Coalition Fragmentation: Causes and Effects. Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc) & Krakar, J. (TRADOC G-27). This paper assesses the potential causes and effects of fragmentation on the Counter-ISIL coalition. This coalition consists of three distinct but interrelated subsets: the CJTF-OIR coalition; the regional coalition, de facto allies of convenience, who may provide […]
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