Defense Science Board 60th Anniversary. On September 20, 2016, the Defense Science Board celebrated its 60th anniversary with an all-day event in Washington DC focused on a variety of topics from a host of speakers and panelists. Dr. Popp took part on a panel focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI): What’s Real, What’s not and is […]
Continue ReadingInformation Dominance: PLA Views of Information Warfare and Cyberwarfare. Speaker: Cheng, D. (Heritage Foundation). Date: September 2016. Dean Cheng is currently the Senior Research Fellow for Chinese Political and Military Affairs at the Heritage Foundation. He is fluent in Chinese, and uses Chinese language materials regularly in his work. Prior to joining the Heritage Foundation, […]
Continue ReadingChinese Strategic Thought. Speaker: Thomas, T. (FMSO). Date: August 2016. Timothy L. Thomas is a senior analyst at the Foreign Military Studies Office (FMSO) at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He retired from the U.S. Army as a Lieutenant Colonel in the summer of 1993. Mr. Thomas received a B.S. from West Point and an M.A. from […]
Continue ReadingThe Role of Deterrence in Gray Zone Conflict. Speaker: Gartzke, E. (University of California, San Diego). Date: August 2016. Erik Gartzke is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Peace and Security Studies (cPASS) at the University of California, San Diego, where he has been a member of the research faculty since […]
Continue ReadingLaw in the Gray Zone: Lawfare and Legal Challenges in Responding to Hybrid Threats. Speaker: Huntley, T. CAPT (Navy). Date: August 2016. CAPT Todd Huntley is currently assigned as the Deputy Assistant Judge Advocate General of the Navy for International and Operational Law. He also serves as a Special Advisor to the Deputy Assistant Secretary […]
Continue ReadingThe Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It. Speaker: Paul, C. (RAND). Date: July 2016. Dr. Christopher Paul is a Senior Social Scientist working out of RAND’s Pittsburgh office. Prior to joining RAND full-time in July of 2002, he worked at RAND as adjunct staff for six […]
Continue ReadingHow the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, not Engaged Argument. Speaker: King, G. (Harvard). Date: July 2016. Gary King is the Albert J. Weatherhead III University Professor at Harvard University — one of 24 with the title of University Professor, Harvard’s most distinguished faculty position. He is based in the Department […]
Continue ReadingInformation Operations Countermeasures to Anti-Area/Access Denial (A2/AD). Speaker: Wieck, B. MAJ (Army). Date: July 2016. MAJ Wieck attended the Georgetown School of Foreign Service, earned a Master’s Degree in Education at George Fox University, and is currently assigned to the 152nd Theater Information Operations Group in Camp Parks, CA. During his 20+ years of military […]
Continue ReadingThe Strategic Uses of Ambiguity in Cyberspace. Speaker: Libicki, M. (Naval Academy). Date: July 2016. Martin Libicki (Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley 1978) holds the Richard Keyser Distinguished Professor of Cyber Studies at the U.S. Naval Academy. He wrote three commercially published books, Cyberspace in War and Peace (USNI Press, forthcoming autumn 2016), Conquest in Cyberspace: National […]
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