America and the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

October 2020 No Comments

Speakers: Hon. Robert Zoellick (Former World Bank President; US Trade Representative; and Deputy Secretary, Undersecretary, and Counselor to the US Department of State); with moderator Gen (Ret.) David Petraeus (Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency; Commander of the International Security Assistance Force; Commander, US Forces – Afghanistan; Commander, US Central Command; and Commanding General, Multi-National Force – Iraq) Date: […]

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In the Eye of the Storm: Managing Terrorism and Asymmetric Threats During the COVID-19 Pandemic

October 2020 No Comments

Speakers: Braniff, W. (National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), University of Maryland); Holt, C. (CHC Global); Smith, J. (CHC Global) Date: 14 October 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session as a part of its SMA UK MoD Speaker Series, entitled “In the Eye of the Storm: Managing Terrorism […]

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Navigating Rapids: Anticipating Second and Third-order Effects, System Shocks, and Emergent Trends

September 2020 No Comments

Speaker: Strong, P. (UK Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (dstl)) Date: 6 October 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session as a part of its SMA UK MoD Speaker Series, featuring Mr. Paul Strong (UK Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (dstl)). Mr. Strong first outlined the differences between prediction versus anticipation. Individuals tend to […]

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The Lapsing Arms Embargo on Iran: Challenges, Change, Iranian Military Modernization, and US Responses

September 2020 No Comments

Speaker: Ben Taleblu, B. (Foundation for Defense of Democracies) Date: 30 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session as a part of its SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series, featuring Mr. Behnam Ben Taleblu (Foundation for Defense of Democracies). Mr. Taleblu’s presentation focused on the lapsing UN arms embargo on Iran. He stated that four […]

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Harnessing Futures and Foresighting Techniques – Using Methods, Approaches, and Multidisciplinary Teams to Understand the Strategic Implications of COVID

September 2020 No Comments

Speakers: Braun, R. (Lancaster University, UK); Curry, A. (School of International Futures (SOIF)); Tovey, P. (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)) Date: 29 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a panel discussion as part of its SMA UK MoD Speaker Series, entitled “Harnessing Futures and Foresighting Techniques – Using Methods, Approaches, and Multidisciplinary […]

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GeoEconomics and the Emerging World Order: The Power of the U.S. Dollar

September 2020 No Comments

Speaker: Honorable Jack Lew (Former United States Secretary of the Treasury, White House Chief of Staff, and Director of the Office Management and Budget) Date: 23 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session as a part of its SMA INSS/PRISM Speaker Series, entitled “Geoeconomics and the Emerging World Order: The Power of the […]

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Alternative Futures of Geopolitical Competition in a Post-COVD-19 World (Part II of II)

September 2020 No Comments

Speakers: McGurk, S. (Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability, Strategic Foresight and Futures Branch); Sotiriadis, J. (US Air Force AF/A5AC); Zakem, V. (Technology for Global Security) Date: 16 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA UK MoD Speaker Series, entitled “Alternative Futures of Geopolitical Competition in a Post-COVID-19 […]

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China 2050: Preparing for an Ascendant China

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Speakers: Scobell, A. (RAND); Cooper, C. (RAND) Date: 15 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session as a part of its SMA INDOPACOM Speaker Series, entitled “China 2050: Preparing for an Ascendant China.” The speakers included Dr. Andrew Scobell (RAND) and Mr. Cortez Cooper (RAND). Dr. Scobell began his portion of the brief by […]

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Post-COVID Scenarios – and What Data & Tech Choices Can Steer Us to a Better Future?

September 2020 No Comments

Speakers: Bray, D. (The Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center); Burrows, M. (Strategic Foresight Initiative); Chander, D. (The Atlantic Council’s GeoTech Center); Matheny, J. (Center for Security and Emerging Technology) Date: 10 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA UK MoD Speaker Series. The panelists included Dr. David Bray, Dr. […]

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The Future of Warfare in 2030

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Speakers: Cohen, R. (RAND); Shatz, H. (RAND) Date: 11 September 2020 Speaker Session Summary SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Raphael Cohen (RAND) and Dr. Howard Shatz (RAND) as a part of its SMA General Speaker Series. This brief focused on what the future of conflict looks like. Dr. Cohen, Dr. Shatz, and their report coauthors examined […]

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