Commercial Companies’ Perceptions of Security Space

March 2018 No Comments

[Q6] How do commercial ventures think about the security of their space assets during peacetime, crisis and conflict? Do industry leaders think about warfare in or through space differently than military leaders? What are their main concerns? How reliant are they on governments for warning or protection of space? What are their threat priorities? Author(s): […]

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Pre-Space Age Approaches to Military Capabilities

March 2018 No Comments

[Q15] What insight on current space operations can we gain from understanding the approaches used for surveillance, reconnaissance, navigation, communication, timing synchronization, and indications and warnings before the advent of the space age? Author(s): George Popp (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response This report summarizes the input of 13 insightful responses contributed by space experts from National […]

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Improving Measures of Effectiveness in Psychological Operations

March 2018 No Comments

Improving Measures of Effectiveness in Psychological Operations Speakers: McQuagge, E. (Northrop Grumman) Date: 8 March 2018 Speaker Session Preview Abstract: One of the most vital aspects of Military Information Support Operations is the measure of effectiveness of the series. It represents the MISO unit’s ability to justify its skillset and contribution as a warfighting function. […]

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Evolving Human and Machine Interdependence in Conflict

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Evolving Human and Machine Interdependence in Conflict Speakers: Burnett, R.E. (National Defense University) Date: 6 March 2018 Speaker Session Preview Abstract: Emerging science and technology will continue to disrupt customary characteristics of political and kinetic conflicts among states and non-state actors. The increasing complex interdependence between humans and machines is one area for particular examination. […]

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Alleviating US-Iran Tensions

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Question (R4.6): What are the competing national interests of the United States and Iran in the Middle East and what are the options for alleviating United States / Iranian tensions to mutual satisfaction and improved regional stability? Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A. (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary The US and Iran have the same types of […]

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Promoting greater stability in post-ISIL Iraq, Volume 1

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Promoting greater stability in post-ISIL Iraq, Volume 1: Analysis of the drivers of legitimacy, security, and social accord for key Iraqi stakeholders. Author | Editor: Bragg, B., & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary United States Central Command (CENTCOM) posed the following question to the Strategic Multi-layer Assessment (SMA) virtual reach back cell: What […]

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Promoting Greater Stability in Post-ISIL Iraq, Volume 2

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Promoting greater stability in post-ISIL Iraq, Volume 2: Why do groups form and why does it matter for stability in Iraq? When the social becomes political. Author | Editor: Bragg, B., & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc.) Executive Summary United States Central Command (CENTCOM) posed the following question to the Strategic Multi-layer Assessment (SMA) virtual […]

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Prioritized Iranian Interests in the Middle East

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Question (R6.9): How does Iran prioritize its influence and presence in the region? Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary Hoping to answer the question of how Iran prioritizes its influence and presence in the Middle East, we asked fifteen experts to list—in rank order—Iran’s key interests, how it seeks to realize those […]

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Population’s Positive View of ISIL

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To what extent do populations maintain positive views of ISIL or ISIL’s ideology, particularly in European, N. African, and Arabian Peninsula countries most associated with foreign fighter flows into Syria and Iraq? What are the general perceptions associated with ISIL endorsed themes, to include: 1) desire for re-establishing the Caliphate; 2) imposition of Shariah law; […]

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Counter Extremism in Sunni Communities

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Question (V2): What are the key factors that would impact the wave of violent extremism and ideological radicalism that affect the Sunni community? Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). Executive Summary The Sunni community is not homogenous, and contributors expressed their discomfort making broad generalizations for a number of reasons. Most Sunni Arabs still […]

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