Multi-Step Approach Closing DoD’s Cognitive Capability Gap

October 2017 No Comments

A Cognitive Capabilities Agenda: A Multi-Step Approach for Closing DoD’s Cognitive Capability Gap. Author | Editor: A. Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary The Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) team conducted a year-long project for USSOCOM on the growing prevalence of Competition Short of Armed Conflict (CSAC), or use of “Gray Zone” tactics by US adversaries. Key […]

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Gulf Cooperation Council Stability & Influence

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Question (R5.5): How stable is the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), and to what extent can the United States rely on the GCC to influence foreign policy objectives in the region? What are the implications of the changing dynamics between GCC members? Author | Editor: W. Aviles (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary The Qatari crisis that is […]

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Evolution of US Foreign Policy in Middle East

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Question R5.4: How should United States foreign policy evolve in the region post-Islamic State of Iraq and Syria? What are the dynamics in the region and what will be the implications of this for the USG? Author | Editor: P. DeGennaro (TRADOC G-27) & S. Canna (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary US foreign policy makers struggle […]

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Risks of Security Outpacing Diplomacy in Syria & Iraq

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Question (R5.2): What are the risks associated with the security situation in Syria/Iraq outpacing diplomatic progress and policy in the region? What should be done about it? Author | Editor: S. Canna (NSI, Inc,). Executive Summary Our experts noted that we cannot say with certainty what the future security environment will look like in the […]

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Opportunities & Threats from POTUS Middle East Visit

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Question (R5.1): What opportunities and threats should United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) be postured for as the result of a President of the United States (POTUS) visit to the Area of Responsibility (AOR)? What is the impact on stakeholders’ willingness to counter Iran along with the likelihood of partnering with the United States/coalition? Author | […]

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Influence in an Age of Rising Connectedness

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Influence in an Age of Rising Connectedness. Author | Editor: W. Aviles & S. Canna (NSI, Inc.). Executive Summary A strong argument can be made that we are moving toward a pluralized, multipolar world, in which military and economic sources of power are widely distributed. Technologies (e.g., the Internet and rapid means of mass migration) […]

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Macro-Social Trends and National Defense Scenarios

September 2017 No Comments

Macro-Social Trends and National Defense Scenarios: Forecasting Crises and Forging Responses using Generation Theory in a Bio-psychosocial Framework. Author | Editor: Shook, J. (Graduate School of Education University at Buffalo) & Giordano, J. (Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University Medical Center). Abstract Analytic informatics and vast databases permit modeling of large populations and their […]

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Neurocognitive Science of Aggression, Decision Making

August 2017 No Comments

A Primer on the Neurocognitive Science of Aggression, Decision Making, and Deterrence. Author | Editor: DiEuliis, D. (Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction, National Defense University) & Giordano, J. (Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry, Georgetown University Medical Center). Executive Summary here are numerous national security challenges relative and relevant to the aggressive […]

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Future of ISIS: What Experts Think Will Happen Next?

August 2017 No Comments

Future of ISIS: What Do Experts Think Will Happen Next? Author | Editor: Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.). At its zenith in 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) controlled more than 100,000 square kilometers of territory. ISIS seized control over major cities, notably Mosul and Raqqa, which contributed to increasing disorder in […]

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Smoke, Mirrors, and Mayhem: The Good Fight Remixed

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NSI Submission to the Army University Press’s Mad Scientist Initiative: “Smoke, Mirrors and Mayhem: The Good Fight Remixed”. Author | Editor: Macaulay, A. & Stevenson, J. (NSI, Inc.). The Army University Press created the Future Warfare Writing Program to generate ideas about possible complexities of future warfare, as presented in the U.S. Army Operating Concept. […]

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