[Q12] Will major commercial space entities likely serve as disruptors or solid partners in terms of state national security interests? In the short-term (5-10 years), mid-term (15-20 years), and long-term (25+ years)? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Authors: Dr. Allison Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc.) and Dr. Belinda Bragg (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response There was considerable […]
Continue ReadingBio Threats Panel Discussion Speakers: Ackerman, G. (University of Maryland START); Earnhardt, R. (University of Maryland START); Gronvall, G. (Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University); Casagrande, R. (Gryphon Scientific) Date: 23 February 2018 Speaker Session Preview This speaker session covered the environment in which non-state actor adversaries are currently operating and how that […]
Continue ReadingBlame, Sway, and Vigilante Tactics: How Other Cultures Think Differently and Implications for Planning Speakers: Sutherlin, G. (Geographic Services, Inc.), Lai, T. (British Army), Martin, M. (5th MISB(A)), Sadiq, A. (University of Central Florida) Date: 20 February 2018 Speaker Session Preview SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA CENTCOM Speaker Series, […]
Continue Reading[Q16] Which international actors currently have the greatest strategic risk in the space domain? What affordable non-space alternatives are there to mitigate or avoid that strategic risk? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author: George Popp (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response This report summarizes the input of 15 insightful responses contributed by space experts from National […]
Continue Reading[Q17] As we move into multi-domain conflicts will our success hinge on being successful in every domain or can we lose in one and still be successful in the overall campaign? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author: Dr. Sabrina Polansky (Pagano) (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response Contributors were varied in their responses, with approximately half […]
Continue Reading[Q13] What are the national security implications of increasingly accessible and affordable commercial launch services? Are these the same for the US and near-peers or states with emergent space capabilities? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Authors: Dr. John Stevenson (NSI, Inc.) and George Popp (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response The experts solicited in this effort […]
Continue ReadingBlame, Sway, and Vigilante Tactics: How Other Cultures Think Differently and Implications for Planning. Author | Editor: G. Sutherlin (Geographic Services, Inc.). Executive Summary Planners require context in order to achieve their goals. While planners understand that colder or more elevated locations have implications for an operation, the capacity to similarly adapt plans and operations […]
Continue Reading[Q2] How does each entity in the following categories conceive of space operations for military and commercial purposes? How do they approach space operations and services? Is there any difference in how their commercial ventures (if any) consider security during peace, crisis, and conflict? a. PRC, Russia, Iran, North Korea; b. European Space Agency, Japan, […]
Continue Reading[Q14] How should space feature in US deterrence strategy? How do space operations, policies, and investments impact multi-domain deterrence? What changes to US deterrence thinking are required to incorporate the space domain? To what extent should space adopt deterrence strategies from other domains? Which is the most critical US national security objective: deterring aggression from […]
Continue Reading[Q9] What are the biggest hindrances to a successful relationship between the private and government space sectors? How can these be minimized? A Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa)® Report. Author: Dr. Allison Astorino-Courtois (NSI, Inc.) Summary Response The 33 individuals or teams that provided input represent large, medium, and small/start-up space companies;4 USG civil space agencies; […]
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