Part 6 ISIL Support and Recruitment

January 2017 No Comments

SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports – Part 6: ISIL Support and Recruitment. Author | Editor: SMA Program Office. This is Part 6 of a 9 part series of SMA Reach back responses to questions posed by USCENTCOM. Each report contains responses to multiple questions grouped by theme. At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), […]

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Part 2 Learning From the Fight Against ISIS

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SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports – Part 2: The Fight Against ISIS. Author | Editor: SMA Program Office. This is Part 2 of a 9 part series of SMA Reach back responses to questions posed by USCENTCOM. Each report contains responses to multiple questions grouped by theme. At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), […]

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Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone: South China Sea

January 2017 No Comments

Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone Activity: South China Sea Case Study. Author | Editor: Dr. Lawrence Kuznar, George Popp, & Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.) The increasing use of emotive themes and rhetorical devices (that amplify a message’s emotional effect) provide indicators of gray zone activities in speeches made by Chinese, Philippine, and Vietnamese government […]

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Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone: Estonia

January 2017 No Comments

Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone Activity: Russian-Estonian Relations Case Study. Author | Editor: Dr. Lawrence Kuznar, George Popp, & Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.) The increasing use of emotive themes and rhetorical devices (that amplify a message’s emotional effect) provide indicators of gray zone activities in speeches made by Eurasian regional leaders and has the […]

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Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone: Crimea

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Discourse Indicators of Gray Zone Activity: Crimean Annexation Analysis Case Study. Author | Editor: Dr. Lawrence Kuznar, George Popp, & Nicole (Peterson) Omundson (NSI, Inc.) The increasing use of emotive themes and rhetorical devices (that amplify a message’s emotional effect) provide indicators of gray zone activities in speeches made by Eurasian regional leaders prior to […]

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Part 1 A Compendium of Messaging Reports

January 2017 No Comments

SMA CENTCOM Reach-back Reports – Part 1: Messaging. Author | Editor: SMA Program Office. This is Part 1 of a 9 part series of SMA Reach back responses to questions posed by USCENTCOM. Each report contains responses to multiple questions grouped by theme. At the request of United States Central Command (USCENTCOM), the Joint Staff, […]

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Syria Da’esh Insurgency

January 2017 No Comments

Question (R3 QL7): How does Da’esh’s transition to insurgency manifest itself in Syria; which other jihadist groups might offer the potential for merger and which areas of ungoverned space are most likely to offer conditions conducive for Da’esh to maintain some form of organizational structure and military effectiveness? Author | Editor: Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, […]

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Regional Interests Analysis

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Question (S2): In light of their divergent goals and interests, what are the necessary factors that would permit the U.S.-led Coalition, regional stakeholders (including Israel, Russia, and Iran), or jihadist groups to achieve their aims in Iraq? Where do disparate groups’ interests align and where do they diverge? What can the U.S. coalition do to […]

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Round 1 Questions Compilation

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Compilation of Round 1 Questions. Author | Editor: Rhem, S. (SRC & SMA Team). Round 1 Questions Quick Look What are the factors that could potentially cause behavior changes in Pakistan and how can the US and coalition countries influence those factors? What are the strategic and operational implications of the Turkish Army’s recent intervention […]

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Smart-Phones for Propaganda

January 2017 No Comments

Question R2 (QL4): The wide-spread, public access to smartphones has been a game-changer for the distribution and production of propaganda. Is there more data available about the types of apps (e.g., WhatsApp, Facebook, Telegram, Viber) used on smartphones to distribute propaganda, and the methods through which this is accomplished? Author | Editor: Ziemke, J. (John […]

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