Achieving Coalition Goals in Iraq/Syria

January 2017 No Comments

Question (Sim#3): What must the coalition do in the information environment to achieve its objectives in Iraq and Syria and how can it deny adversaries the ability to achieve theirs? Part 2 Author | Editor: Sutherlin, G. (Geographic Services Inc). We have acknowledged that the enemy has been very agile in the information environment thus […]

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Coalition Activities and Terrorism

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Question (S#1): What are the correlations between the US/coalition operational and tactical actions in theater effecting terrorist activity throughout the world (i.e., external events). For example, does the loss of ISIL controlled territory or kill/capture of an ISIL high value target lead to an increase/decrease in terrorist attacks in other areas of the world? Can […]

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Violent Non-state Actors in the Gray Zone

January 2017 No Comments

Violent Non-state Actors in the Gray Zone A Virtual Think Tank Analysis (ViTTa). Author | Editor: Sarah Canna, Nicole (Peterson) Omundson, & George Popp (NSI, Inc.) Using the Virtual Think Tank (ViTTa) expert elicitation methodology, NSI asked six leading gray zone experts whether Violent Non-state Actors (VNSAs) belong in the definition of the gray zone. […]

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Demystifying the Gray Zone: Colombia, Libya, Ukraine

January 2017 No Comments

Demystifying Gray Zone Conflict: A Typology of Conflict Dyads and Instruments of Power in Colombia, Libya and Ukraine. Author | Editor: Koven, B. (START). The author of this report is Barnett S. Koven, Senior Researcher at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START). Questions about this report should be […]

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ViTTa Assessment and Analysis of the Gray Zone

January 2017 No Comments

The Characterization and Conditions of the Gray Zone: A Virtual Think Tank Analysis (ViTTa) Author | Editor: Popp, G. (NSI, Inc). Within United States government (USG) and Department of Defense (DoD) spheres, the gray zone is a relatively new terminology and phenomena of focus for characterizing the changing nature of competition, conflict, and warfare between […]

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Russian Interests in Syria

December 2016 No Comments

Question (R2 Special): What are indicators of change in Russian strategic interests in Syria? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). This paper found that Russia¹s strategic interests in the Middle East are fairly stable. What could change is how Russia prioritizes its interests in the wake of the US election and change in administration. […]

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Discussion with NPS Experts – Dec 2016

December 2016 No Comments

SMA Reachback Panel Discussion with Experts from Naval Postgraduate School. Author | Editor: Robinson, G. (Naval Postgraduate School) & Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). On 1 November 2016, a team of experts from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) prepared a two-hour panel discussion based loosely on the first round of CENTCOM¹s reach back questions. The team […]

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Reduce Recruiting of ISIL Fighters

December 2016 No Comments

Question (LR3): What actions and polices can regional and coalition nations employ to reduce recruitment of ISIL inspired fighters? Author | Editor: Cragin, K. (National Defense University). This paper addresses the issue of ISIL recruitment from Literature Review Question #3. To do this, it utilizes a quick look format and focuses on two non-standard ideas […]

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Shaping Post-ISIL Iraq and Region

December 2016 No Comments

Question (LR1): What opportunities are there for USCENTCOM to shape a post-ISIL Iraq and regional security environment promoting greater stability? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). The expert contributors to this paper agree on the relationship between regional security and stability in Iraq: A strong and stable Iraqi government is a fundamental component of […]

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ISIL Propaganda Effects

December 2016 No Comments

Question (QL5): What are the predominant and secondary means by which both large (macro-globally outside the CJOA, such as European, North African and Arabian Peninsula) and more targeted (micro- such as ISIL-held Iraq) audiences receive ISIL propaganda? Author | Editor: Astorino-Coutois, A. (NSI, Inc). The contributors to this Quick Look demonstrate clearly the breadth and […]

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