Project Period: 2012-2013

In the South Asia I project, SMA was asked to develop options for promoting geopolitical stability in South Asia in light of continuing regional rivalries, the eventual withdrawal of ISAF forces from Afghanistan, and the preponderance of violent extremist organizations (VEOs) in the region.

In early 2013, SMA extended the project (South Asia II) to explore issues pertaining to long-term and short-term regional and sub-regional stability.

The following is the list of reports completed in support of this effort. Reports and events can be accessed via the links provided or by request.

Pak-StaM Analysis: Drivers of Stability & Instability in Pakistan (Updated March 2013) by NSI

South Asia Stability Assessment Academic Consortium by NSI [South Asia I]

Influencing Violent Extremist Organizations in South Asia by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) [South Asia I]

“Mapping” Al Qaeda Affiliates: Implications for Stability in Pakistan by Martha Crenshaw, PhD [South Asia I]

Cognitive Complexity Assessment of Pakistan – India Regional Narratives by NSI [South Asia I]

Informal Economy, Pakistan: Component and Macro-Estimations for the Gray and Black Markets by US Army ERDC [South Asia I]

Stability in South Punjab and South Sindh, Pakistan by SCL Defense [South Asia I]

Assessment of Violent Extremist Organizations and Transnational Criminal Organizations in Pakistan (Parts I & II) by The Kiernan Group [South Asia I]

Timed Influence Net Models to Inform South Asia Geopolitical Stability Planning [South Asia I]

Extremist Pathways to Power: The Rise of Extremist Ideologies to State Dogma by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) [South Asia II]

South Asia II: NSI Pathway Indicators Pakistan’s Future: Analysis of the Fragmentation and “Muddling Through” Hypotheses by NSI [South Asia II]

South Asia Regional Dynamics and Strategic Concerns: A Framework for U.S. Policy and Strategy in South Asia, 2014–2026 by CSIS [South Asia II]

SENTURION: Forecasting Pakistan- US Interactions by SoSA Corp [South Asia II]

*Reports without a link can be requested by emailing from a .mil or .gov email address or visit the SMA NIPR Inteldocs site (CAC-enabled).