A Japanese Perspective on Space Deterrence and the Role of the US-Japan Alliance

May 2018 No Comments

A Japanese Perspective on Space Deterrence and the Role of the US-Japan Alliance

SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. Kazuto Suzuki (Public Policy Center at Hokkaido University, Japan) as part of its SMA Contested Space Operations: Space Defense, Deterrence, and Warfighting (Space) Speaker Series.

Date: 1 May 2018

Speaker Session Preview

SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Kazuto Suzuki (Public Policy School of Hokkaido University, Japan) as a part of its SMA Space Speaker Series. Dr. Suzuki began the session by discussing the importance, indispensability, and vulnerability of space systems, as well as the difficulty of defending and deterring attacks on these systems. He also examined various types of vulnerabilities in space, including kinetic and non-kinetic, cyber and non-cyber ASAT attacks, and talked about how deterrence in space is very difficult. Dr. Suzuki concluded the session by explaining the role of the US-Japan alliance in space deterrence and stressing that deterrence in space cannot be achieved through space alone; it requires cross-domain deterrence.

This speaker session supported SMA’s Contested Space Operations: Space Defense, Deterrence, and Warfighting (Space) project. For additional speaker sessions and project publications, please visit the Space project page.

Speaker Session Audio File

Download Dr. Suzuki’s biography and slides


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