Counter and Delegitimize Violent Extremism

May 2010 No Comments

Defining a Strategic Campaign for Working with Partners to Counter and Delegitimize Violent Extremism Workshop. Author | Editor: Arana, A., Baker, T. & Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). Dr. Hriar Cabayan, OSD, welcomed the participants on behalf of the Department of Defense (DoD), the State Department (DoS), and the RAND Corporation to the Defining a Strategic […]

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African-American Women Depression & Ethnic Identity

January 2010 No Comments

Depression and ethnic identity among African-American women. Author: Settles, I., Navarrete, C. D., Polansky (Pagano), S., Abdou, C. & Sidanius, J. Abstract This study examines direct, interactive, and indirect effects of racial identity and depression in a sample of 379 African American women. Results indicated that higher racial private and public regard were associated with […]

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Protecting Homeland from Int’l & Domestic Terrorism

January 2010 No Comments

Protecting the Homeland from International and Domestic Terrorism Threats: Current Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives on Root Causes, the Role of Ideology, and Programs for Counter-radicalization and Disengagement. Author | Editor: Fenstermacher, L. (Air Force Research Laboratory), Kuznar, L., Rieger, T. (NSI, Inc) & Speckhard, A. (Independent Consultant). It would be comforting to be able to find some […]

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Perspectives on Political and Social Regional Stability Impacted by Global Crises – A Social Science Context

January 2010 No Comments

Perspectives on Political and Social Regional Stability Impacted by Global Crises – A Social Science Context. Author | Editor: Cabayan, H. (Joint Staff), Sotirin, B. et al. (USACE-HQ, CERD). Cooperative security, stability operations and irregular warfare missions require a better understanding of the complex operational environment, notably through rich contextual understanding of the factors affecting […]

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PAKAF Rich Contextual Understanding of COIN

January 2010 No Comments

SMA PAKAF Rich Contextual Understanding (RCU) Project: Information and Analyses in Support of COIN Operations Executive Summary. Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc). The Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) program provides planning support to COCOMs and warfighters. The program coordinates with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, and STRATCOM to support […]

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Afghanistan Helmand Province Deep Dive

December 2009 No Comments

Rich Contextual Understanding of Pakistan and Afghanistan: Helmand Deep Dive. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A., Canna, S., et al. (NSI, Inc). The objective of Helmand Deep Dive Development and Governance Workshop was to examine academic works and newly generated data and models and to develop guidelines and recommendations for low-cost development project implementation. The Helmand […]

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Subjective Decision Analysis: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, …

October 2009 No Comments

Subjective Decision Analysis Final Report: Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia & Syria. Author | Editor: Astorino-Courtois, A., Canna, S., Chapman, A., Hartman, A., & Polansky (Pagano), S. (NSI, Inc). The SMA Strategic Deterrence effort is a methodological study to evaluate the appropriateness and utility of modeling and wargaming to support the analytic requirements of […]

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Collaboration in National Security: Myths and Reality

June 2009 No Comments

Collaboration in the National Security Arena: Myths and Reality – What Science and Experience Can Contribute to its Success. Author | Editor: O’Connor, J. (DHS), Bienenstock, E., et al. (NSI, Inc). The purpose of this compendium of white papers is to explore various perspectives on the state of the art in our understanding of collaboration, […]

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Anticipating Rare Events of Terrorism and WMD

November 2008 No Comments

Anticipating Rare Events: Can Acts of Terror, Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction or Other High Profile Acts Be Anticipated? A Scientific Perspective on Problems, Pitfalls and Prospective Solutions. Author | Editor: Chesser, N. (DTI). This white paper covers topics related to the field of anticipating/forecasting specific categories of “rare events” such as acts of […]

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The New Horizons in Bioterrorism Workshop

September 2008 No Comments

New Horizons in Bioterrorism. Author | Editor: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc) & Ackerman, G. (University of Maryland, START). The objective of the New Horizons in Bioterrorism workshop, held on 11-12 August 2008 in Arlington, Virginia, was to explore existing and future developments in bioterrorism through the elicitation and generation of adversary courses of action (ACOAs) […]

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