6 Things We’ve Learned Managing Virtual Teams

April 2020 No Comments

In the era of social distancing and COVID-19, NSI’s Chief Analytic Officer, Dr. Allison Astorino Courtois, details 6 quick insights and lessons from managing NSI’s innovative, virtual workplace for over 13 years. In parallel, NSI’s President, Mr. Tom Rieger, presents NSI/NBI and the Oxford Brain Institute’s strategic partnership to leverage the latest research in psychology, group dynamics, organizational behavior, and neuro-leadership to help provide insight on what helps (and what hurts) the ability of your team to maintain psychological health and resilience. This short video summarizes the work of this partnership.

Please contact TeamHealth@NSIteam.com for more information.

A document elaborating on how NSI has managed its virtual teams is also available for download here:


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