Back to the Drafting Board: U.S. Draft Mobilization Capability for Modern Operational Requirements

February 2025 No Comments

Speakers: Katherine Kuzminski (CNAS) & Taren Sylvester

Date: 5 March 2025

Speaker Session Summary


Speaker Session Recording

Also forthcoming!

Briefing Materials


Katherine L. Kuzminski (formerly Kidder) is the deputy director of studies and the director of the Military, Veterans, and Society (MVS) Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Her research specializations include Department of Defense institutional and organizational design and management; military recruitment, retention, and talent management policy; veteran and military family issues; and civil-military relations. Kuzminski returns to CNAS from the RAND Corporation, where she was a political scientist researching military personnel policy. During her time at RAND, she led research teams examining officer personnel management, reserve component transition issues, senior officer selection and development, military culture, and ground force capability development. From 2013 to 2017, Kuzminski served as a research associate, Bacevich fellow, and fellow for the CNAS MVS Program. In her previous time at CNAS, she led the CNAS Women in National Security research portfolio and the Rebuilding the Bipartisan Defense Consensus Project, and contributed to the development of the Veteran’s Data Project. Kuzminski has testified before the congressionally mandated National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service. Her research and analysis have been featured on NPR, BBC, Federal News Radio, NBC Nightly News, The Washington Post, and Politico. She is completing her PhD in security studies from Kansas State University, where she earned her BS in military history and an MA in security studies.

Taren Sylvester is the research assistant for the Military, Veterans & Society Program at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Their research interests include issues of civil-military relations, societal perceptions of the military, military ethics, and biodefense.  Sylvester received their MA in international security and a graduate certificate in terrorism and homeland security from George Mason University. They also hold a BA in international studies from American University.


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