Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War: NSI Podcast 06

January 2019 No Comments

Speaker: Scharre, P. (Center for a New American Security)

Podcast Preview

In NSI’s sixth podcast, SMA contributor Mr. Paul Scharre (Center for a New American Security) describes the current state of autonomous weapons technology, as well as the dilemmas and advantages surrounding US implementation of such systems. During the exclusive Q&A portion of the podcast, Mr. Scharre further explores contemporary issues and challenges regarding the advancement of autonomous weapons systems and artificial intelligence.

Mr. Paul Scharre is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for New American Security. He is the author of a new book, “Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War.” Paul has worked in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) where he played a leading role in establishing policies on unmanned and autonomous systems and emerging weapons technologies. Prior to his time at OSD, Paul served as a special operations reconnaissance team leader in the Army’s 3rd Ranger Battalion and completed multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Listen to Podcast

If you have already listened to Mr. Scharre’s speaker session and would like to go straight to the exclusive interview portion, please skip ahead to [0:40:04].

If you are interested in being featured in a NSI podcast, please email Ms. Nicole Omundson (

Additionally, Mr. Scharre’s book “Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War” is available everywhere books are sold.

***Coming Soon***

Stay tuned for NSI’s next podcast!

Download Speaker Biography and Presentation Slides


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