Emerging Trends in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Ecosystems

July 2018 No Comments

Emerging Trends in the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Ecosystems

Speaker: Blowers, M. (Peraton)

Date: 17 July 2018

Speaker Session Preview

SMA hosted a speaker session presented by Dr. Misty Blowers (Peraton) as a part of its SMA DHS Speaker Series. Dr. Blowers first spoke about the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and how ease of access, attraction for anonymity, and loss of faith in state based currencies has caused global attraction to these constructs. She also discussed how new cryptocurrencies, like Monero, have emerged to provide more anonymity than ever before thought possible through innovative obfuscation techniques including decoy transactions and invisible internet protocols. This results in new money laundering concerns and a means to facilitate criminal activity. Dr. Blowers explained how blockchain architectures, like Ethereum, provide new potential for innovation via smart contracts. Smart contracts can enable extremely secure distributed architectures and collaborative environments to advance a broad spectrum of research topics; like distributed software architectures and multi-agent systems. To conclude the session, Dr. Blowers discussed how blockchain architectures, smart contracts, and tokenization can offer significant benefits to the Department of Defense, particularly with respect to artificial intelligence, logistics chain management, and a multitude of new research areas.

To access an audio file of the speaker session, please contact Ms. Nicole Omundson (nomundson@nsiteam.com).

Download Dr. Blowers’ biography


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