Putin Can’t Go On Forever, Can He? How Russian Leaders Obtain, Retain, and Lose Power: NSI Podcast 05

November 2018 No Comments

Speaker: Weber, Y. (Daniel Morgan Graduate School)

Podcast Preview

In NSI’s fifth podcast, Dr. Yuval Weber (Daniel Morgan Graduate School) discusses the leadership paradigm in Russia and how power is practiced by Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as previous Russian leaders. During the exclusive Q&A portion of the podcast, Dr. Weber further explores Russian international security and relations, pressure points within the Russian bureaucracy, and the future of Putin’s regime.

Dr. Yuval Weber is the Kennan Institute Associate Professor of Russian and Eurasian Studies at the Daniel Morgan Graduate School of National Security in Washington, DC. Dr. Weber has previously taught at Harvard University and the National Research University and completed his post-graduate education at the University of Chicago and the University of Texas. Dr. Weber is currently researching liberal and anti-liberal dissatisfaction for powers in the international system and the strategies they employ to stake their claims for revising the international order.

Listen to Podcast

If you have already listened to Dr. Weber’s speaker session and would like to go straight to the exclusive interview portion, please skip ahead to [0:28:32].

If you are interested in being featured in a NSI podcast, please email Ms. Nicole Omundson (nomundson@nsiteam.com).

Dr. Weber has also recently published two relevant items: “What Russia Can Teach Us About Change in International Politics,” an article for the International Studies Review ( https://academic.oup.com/isr/article/20/2/292/4993887), and “Running in Place: The Latest Round of Russian Economic Modernization,” an article for the Foreign Policy Research Institute ( https://www.fpri.org/article/2018/03/running-place-latest-round-russian-economic-modernization/).

***Coming Soon***

Stay tuned for NSI’s next podcast, which will feature a SMA speaker session presented by Mr. Paul Scharre (Center for a New American Security) that explores “the technology behind autonomous weapons and the legal, moral, ethical, and strategic dimensions of this evolving technology.” This podcast will also feature an exclusive interview with Mr. Scharre on other related topical issues.

Download Speaker Biography and Presentation Slides


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