Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) of Stability Pathways in Afghanistan- Phase I Insights

July 2018 No Comments

Strategic Multilayer Assessment (SMA) of Stability Pathways in Afghanistan- Phase I Insights

Speakers: Canna, S. (NSI, Inc.); Cooley, S. (Oklahoma State University); Hinck, R. (Monmouth College); Krakar, J. (USARMY TRADOC G-27); Pagano, S. (NSI, Inc.)

Date: 20 July 2018

Speaker Session Preview

SMA hosted a panel discussion as a part of its SMA CENTCOM (Afghanistan) Speaker Series. The speakers for this panel discussion included Ms. Sarah Canna (NSI, Inc.), Dr. Skye Cooley (Oklahoma State University), Dr. Robert Hinck (Monmouth College), Mr. James Krakar (USARMY TRADOC), and Dr. Sabrina Pagano (NSI, Inc.). Ms. Canna provided a brief description of Phase I of the most recent CENTCOM Reach Back effort, which focuses on South Asia and looks at a variety of future stability outcomes for Afghanistan. Mr. Krakar then discussed the TRADOC G-27 Modeling & Simulation Branch’s (i.e. Athena Simulation) contributions to the effort, highlighting the simulation’s four major findings. Next, Dr. Pagano spoke about NSI’s Pathways model, which evaluates which of several examined pathways Afghanistan is currently on, where it is headed, and what drivers, buffers, and barriers to stability are involved. Dr. Cooley and Dr. Hinck proceeded to discuss their main findings after examining Chinese and Russian news media coverage related to security and stability in Afghanistan. Ms. Canna concluded the session by briefly speaking about NSI’s initial Interest, Resolve, and Capability (IRC) analysis for Afghanistan.

To access an audio file of the speaker session, please contact Ms. Nicole Omundson (

Download the speakers’ biographies and slides


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