Where Does France Stand In the Upheaval of the World?

February 2022 No Comments

Speaker(s): Fried, T. (Senior Advisor to the Vice Chairman of the French Joint Chiefs of Staff)

Date: 24 February 2022

Speaker Session Summary

SMA hosted a speaker session with Ms. Tsiporah Fried (Senior Advisor to the Vice Chairman of the French Joint Chiefs of Staff) as part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Series.

Ms. Fried gave a synopsis of France’s military strengths and weaknesses amid the ongoing global ideological and geopolitical upheaval. This geopolitical upheaval is causing Western belief structures, economic models, and the current multipolar world order to be threatened. Some of France’s strongest military capabilities include: a) nuclear deterrent capabilities, b) its ability to deploy aircraft carrier groups, c) its ability to assert French influence through its soldiers’ presence, and d) its quick communication between The Chief of the Army Staff and president. France ultimately wants to understand its strategic environment, act deliberately, and engage with allies to create overwhelming military superiority.

Despite the current geopolitical challenges, France’s complete model army, strong economy, and network of allies still gives it and the West at large a significant military advantage over its enemies. France is considered by other actors as a top-tier military power; however, its recent economic slowdown will decrease its ability to maintain this status. Finally, Ms. Fried acknowledged that while France is well-equipped to fight a conventional military conflict, it is not well-equipped for conflict disengagement. She argued that the United States’ recent attempt to disengage in Afghanistan is a good example of the difficulties associated with conflict disengagement.

Speaker Session Recording

Our speaker requested that this session not be recorded. We apologize for any inconvenience this presents.

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