Security Implications of Germany’s Federal Election—An Interim Assessment

October 2021 No Comments

Speaker(s): Dorondo, D. (Western Carolina University)

Date: 4 November 2021

Speaker Session Summary

SMA hosted a speaker session with Dr. David R. Dorondo (Western Carolina University) as part of its SMA EUCOM Speaker Session.

Germany’s latest political elections were among the most impactful political moments in Europe since the end of the Cold War. The election will have a direct impact on three mutual security concerns for Germany and the EU: a) energy security, b) the size and capability of Germany’s army, and c) nuclear proliferation. Germany’s election marks two significant changes for Germany’s government. Firstly, for the first time in 16 years Angela Merkle will not be Germany’s chancellor, and Germany will have its first “stop light coalition” of political parties. The “stop light coalition” refers to the flag colors of the major political parties involved: a) the Social Democratic Party of Germany (red), b) the Free Democratic Party (yellow), and c) the Greens. These two changes have created a new political environment in Germany.

The concern over energy security revolves around the recently completed Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which runs from Russia to the Baltic Sea. While it is physically completed, it has not passed certification. This pipeline is viewed by many in Europe as giving Russia too much political leverage in Europe. The size and capability of Germany’s armed forces is another issue of contention in the Bundestag. Some German politicians argue that Germany needs to increase its military’s size to meet its current commitment as part of NATO. Several new members of Germany’s government argue for the destruction and disarmament of Germany’s and other countries’ nuclear arsenals. These security issues along with others will drive the German political discourse for the near future.

Speaker Session Recording

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